Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Greetings From Matt

Thought I'd pass on to you a quick thought from Crossroads Children's Pastor Matt Mendenhall. Matt is making his way to Kabul, Afghanistan:

First thoughts on my travels.  WOW, there are a lot of people in this world.  There are a lot of temptations in this world.  I guess what I mean is that I have been surrounded with my life for quite some time and had not seen, smelled, or heard things from my past in a long time. This was apparent to me when I sat in the restaurant/lounge of a large Washington DC hotel. There were multiple business conferences ongoing and the lounge area was full of people from everywhere meeting about everything.  I didn’t see Christ anywhere.  I honestly felt very weird.  I am sure I would have felt better if I had had some of my friends and family with me, but I still felt strange.  I am not making judgments on of the people I saw in that lounge that day.  It just magnifies the importance of what we are doing at Crossroads.  There is great need for a Crossroads in every town.  It’s cool to be part of the beginning of the first one.  God Bless.
Thanks Matt, keep 'em coming.  We'd love to hear more from you soon! Sorry about the picture, I couldn't help myself! - PG

(Yes folks, that actually IS Matt!)


  1. Uh...thanks Pastor Gene for the picture. I have tried so hard to get it out of my head!

  2. Looking forward to more updates from Pastor Matt from Eastern Europe and Afghanistan! Hope you're not wearing that crazy headgear over there,

  3. Oh I get it now, this is the headwaear of childrens pastors in Europe! Ha ha miss Matt alot at Crossroads and are daily praying for your safety bro!


  4. I hear him slurring, "throw me some beads mister!"


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