Monday, September 29, 2008


Considering starting our Sunday morning service at the cinema at 10:30 AM instead of 10:00AM. Had many comments from many folks that the later start would make it a bit easier to hook up at Crossroads.  Weigh in. Lemme know what you think. Be sure to respond to the poll question on the right. Thanks!


  1. xtra 30 minutes of sleep... yess!! :)

  2. Okay, question. If we start 30mins later, does that mean that service will be cut short? OR, do we just stay longer to make up for the later start?

  3. Service wouldn't be shorter by 30 minutes. It would get out thirty minutes later. (Right now service gets out, depending on how long it goes, somewhere between 11:00 and 11:15. Starting 30 minutes later means service would get out somewhere between 11:30 and 11:45).


Your comments are welcome. Please keep them on point. Offensive comments, or those with a bent towards personal attack will not be published, and the commentator will be flogged.