Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mirror, Mirror

Maybe you're in peak physical condition. Maybe, for your age,  you are a perfect specimen. Me? Not so much. I know it's my own fault. I could be lean and buff and ripped and cut and all those other really boss things to be, and as much as I think I would like to be like that, the reality is, I don't seem to have the discipline to make myself do the hard work.  

Stay up for days recording music, editing video, writing messages (or even estimating construction old gig) and I will not only match you step for step, but be awake, hard at the task, long after you have given up and gone to bed.  It's just the way I'm wired.  

But after watching myself on stage preaching at the College Cinema (in HD, no less) I am pretty sure that God must have gotten some of my wires crossed.  Dude! You think looking in a mirror is rough after 45? (A speed limit I passed I past three years ago, incidentally). Spend several hours editing yourself in glorious high def, to post your video on for a bunch of other pastors to sit around and laugh at.  I feel like drunk Barney Fife in Sunday's video clip, "I don't have to take this humiliation, Andy".  

The good news.  If that's as bad as it gets...we can probably fix it.  Yes, I may not be as new as I used to be, I may look like I swallowed a whole watermelon, I may say, "Uh", and "you know", and "man" entirely too much, but if I have to keep editing these service videos every week...I'm bound to learn something.  And change a few things along the way.  

Hey, it could happen.  Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then. Have a great Friday. TGIF!

1 comment:

  1. We're here to "pump, (clap) you up"! Both Spiritually and physically! And dont worry...they say the camara adds 10lbs!!! =)


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