Sunday, June 8, 2008

Most, Best, Biggest Yet...

How do you people do it?  This Sunday morning, half the people that usually come, didn't...and we STILL had the biggest crowd we've ever had at Crossroads Annex! Incredible.  

'Splain that to me, huh?  In a week where I get two (not one, but two) sharp knees to the spiritual groin area (hey - just in case you're listening - the little button on the Crossroads website says "ASK" Pastor Gene, not "TELL Pastor Gene 'cause you're sure he's not nearly as spiritual as you are") more people than ever show up to see what God is doing.  Whoo-hoo!  

And He's doing, make no mistake; it's God doing it, not me or Leslie. And you know what? We're gonna' keep doing everything He's put in our hearts to do, so He can keep doing what He's intent on doing in this community!  

I like what Pastor Ron Sylvia says, "Love everyone, but move with the movers".  Let's keep moving and shaking.  We've got thousands to reach.  But in all our reaching, don't be surprised if somewhere along the way, God turns the religious establishment on it's ear. That's usually the way it works.  

Put your boots on and kick a dent in hell this tolerating someone different than you.  


  1. dude, this weeks message was by far the best yet! I loved it, and can't wait to hear the one on hope next!!

  2. Dude what a day it was yesterday! Cant say enough about what the message meant to everyone! Even for us seasoned veterans it tied together what we have learned in our journey of faith! If it is impossible to please God w/o faith, then it is very possible to please Him by using our faith! Play on words that have such a deep meaning! Keep up the good work bro!


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