Monday, June 23, 2008

The Age of Flip-Flop Enlightenment

I had some new books arrive today, a five-volume set called A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Christ. The books were originally written in 1890 by some German guy I never heard of.  I am amazed at how much time he spent, and how much effort and energy he put into this work.

It's pretty dry reading.  But I'm pretty sure it's important stuff to learn about.  When we learn about what the political and religious climate was, and how people lived and interacted with one another during the time of Jesus, it helps put the words of the New Testament into the context of the culture of the day.

There's also a couple of side benefits that come immediately to mind.  We get insight into the human condition, and the fact that time doesn't change it.  And we also see that nothing is so constant as cultural evolvement.

It would be pretty ridiculous for me to show up at church next Sunday dressed in a flowing robe, blow a rams horn and expect everyone to stand for several hours while I read the Book of the Law of Moses.  Would it not be equally absurd for me to dress like a businessman from 1950, 1970 or 1990, play a cadenza on the organ, and expect everyone to sing songs written in the late 1800's - while I preached sermons referencing commentary written during the last part of the reign of Queen Victoria?

I study books like these, because I want to learn from history.  They say that those who don't learn from history are destined to repeat it.  What do they say about those who just repeat history and call it church?  

As Christians, we hammer evolutionists for basing their understanding of natural selection largely on a book written over 150 years ago (before we knew about DNA).  Should it surprise ANYONE that non-believers hammer Christians for basing our understanding of what church should be like largely on the way it was practiced over 150 years ago (before we knew about flip-flops)?

Relax.  Have a donut and some coffee.  Welcome to Crossroads.

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