Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I Know He Will

I've got countdown on the brain.  It seems like everything in our lives involves some sort of deadline. Whether it's getting up to be on-time for work, finishing an important project, or remembering dentist appointments (one I am so bad at, my dentist actually told me to find another dentist, because I missed so many scheduled appointments, Aaack!), our lives seem to revolve around deadlines.  Something that absolutely, positively HAS to happen no later than a specified time.  

Nowhere is that pressure more palpable than in the area of finances, right?  We all have to pay the bills by a certain time, or some broken-nosed guy named Tony Bagggadonuts comes and takes your refrigerator away (no offense to guys named Tony, or people with broken noses).  

Today is June 24th (as if I needed to tell anyone that, you've already got stuff to do today, and I get that).  We launch in 46 Days 1 Hour and 55 Minutes (but who's counting?).  We still need to raise at a minimum $15 thousand in the next week to acquire the rest of the equipment and furnishings we need to get Crossroads off the launch pad on August 10th.  

Your giving to date has been TREMENDOUS.  Humbling, overwhelming and clearly sacrificial. Many have done their part.  Many have done more.  I'm  just reminding you of the deadline, and the current shortfall.  15 grand. 15 large. 15 gazillion bazooties. 15 thoooooousand dolleros.  15 Grover Cleveland's. 15 thousand buck-a-roos.  15 small steps for a big man.  15 opportunities  for God to show off!  

Please DO NOT rob a liquor store to send money to Crossroads.  Please do not take money from someone who needs it more than you.  Please do not send your tithe to Crossroads if it is not your home church.  Please do not take money from your aging grandmother, or your small children.  Anything short of those things I mentioned...probably okay to do.  

Guys, I'm keeping it light 'cause that's just the way I am.  I KNOW the resources are coming in to do this work and I have great peace about all of it.  Sometimes when we feel that way though, we tend not to let other people know what's going on, and then they don't know how they can help.  So now you know.  If you like, use the online giving function at our website:  

Have a groovy day!

1 comment:

  1. Gene I tell ya the last few blogs have been eye opening for me. You seem to have this common touch thing going on with your blogs! While there are blogs that try to expand the mysteries of Gawd, you are making it plain and giving the people that read it a chance to run with it! You know the road sign that reads SLOW men at work, well we need on that says MOVE God is working! Ha ha


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