Sunday, June 22, 2008

God Is Up To Something Good

Right here. Mind-blowing goodness. Wow.  Not even out of the gate yet, Crossroads is growing by leaps and bounds.  Guys, we haven't even launched yet, and we broke another attendance record this morning! Let's see, when do we launch? August 10th, right?  Did someone forget to tell the Holy Ghost?  

Kidding.  He knows.  What is happening is not a mystery. We're all the same, and we all respond positively to the goodness of God.  Get it?  God is in the house!  

God's goodness in church: the new NORMAL. How 'bout it?


  1. lets see if we dont beat youth count in a few nights

  2. Gene, God is up to something at Crossroads! Its a tangible expectation in the crowd, its electrifying in worship, and the you hear God's heart for His people in this day and age in the messages! People want to see and they do see in a small scale what Crossroads life is all about, in a few short days we all will see what that means! We are on course for launch!


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