Monday, December 22, 2008


Well here it is Monday night at 11PM and I am STILL wrestling with getting the Great Elf Caper video uploaded.  I've resized, retooled, rewound, restarted, and I just ain't gettin' no RESPECT (technologically speaking).  I have NEVER had this problem before.  I'm sure it's elf- related.  So while my upload on Vimeo is still hovering at 5%, and before I go BACK to youtube to try uploading there again, let me give you a few quick hits from the weekend and hopefully we'll get the Not-Ready-For-Prime Time (or profit) Players version of the Xroads Xmas Elves.
  1. So encouraged by GREAT attendance through the holidays!  Fantastic turn-out the Sunday before Christmas. Saw a Blog post from the pastor of Mars Hill Church bemoaning the fact that at their first service Sunday morning only 80 people were in a building that seats 1300!  Wow, Roadies Rule!  
  2. The service itself was a reflection of all who put their time in during the week to make it special.  Thanks to all the musicians and elf-people who gave time during the week so we could all have a great time Sunday.
  3. Worship was fantastic Sunday morning!  I jumped up and down and rocked and danced like an idiot during "All Your Promises", and I wept like a small child during "All Over". What a privilege to get to worship with all of you!
  4. Great to have all the kids in the service Sunday!
  5. Great to have Matt Mendenhall home for the holidays!
  6. The set pieces and trees and the way the projector was reformatted looked just great.
  7. TONS (again) of first-time visitors!  Awesome.  We are a very visited church.  If everyone who regularly attends Crossroads (one out of three weeks) shows up on the same week, we'll be full in the main sanctuary!  Bring it!
  8. My Vimeo upload is now at 14% and hasn't stalled yet.  Hmm...
  9. Sunday Night Open House at the Annex was fantastic and HUGELY attended!
  10. Big pastor love to Star and Greg and Becky and Nat and Leslie and EVERYONE who pitched in to get it all set up and brought cookies and treats and those little sausage and meatball things and cider and such!  EXCELLENT Crossroads hang time!  Very cool.
Thank you to all who gave cards and treats and gifts to me and Leslie, and thank you for all you've done for our family!  So much more to say, and i know I'm leaving out important stuff, and great things that happened, and people I should thank and I'm sorry if I forgot things that I should have remembered to say.  Have a SAFE and fun and peaceful week this week! 

(And I'll get this @#$%^&*! Elf video uploaded and posted if I have to...whatever!  It is too, too funny...)


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