Wednesday, May 21, 2008

T-Minus 11 Weeks...

Wow, it's Wednesday.  How did that happen?  The older I get, the quicker it goes.  We  had a tremendous leaders meeting last night at the Annex regarding our plans to launch at the College Cinema on August 10th.  

From the beginning of Crossroads, we have been focused on "Launching Large".  That process means, you don't start with less than 100 regular attenders.  Why?  'Cause statistics show that 80% of all churches that do, fail.  And that ain't us, ya'll!  We are going to launch large and stay that way.  We have a finite amount of time on this planet to kick the biggest possible dent in hell that we can.  Let's be smart with that time, and kick a BIG dent!  

I encourage you to hook up with the vision God has planted in our hearts for this community, and help us make the push over the next 11 weeks to Launch Large at the College Cinema on Sunday morning August 10th!  Woo-hoo!

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