Monday, April 7, 2008

The Water's Just Right...

I LOVE that people are being honest!  If you look to your right, you'll see a poll I posted.  It's about taking our own spiritual temperature.  My favorite thing on there so far, are the two votes that voted, "Lukewarm".  That is so AWESOME!  

I know, you're thinking, "What do you mean that's awesome?  People being lukewarm is awesome"?    No. People being honest is awesome.  Temperature is easy.  It's just a matter of adjusting the thermostat.  The tough thing is to get a group of people to be transparent with each other.  That's why I am so ENCOURAGED about what is happening at Crossroads!  

If our whole trip at Crossroads is life-change (and it is), how do you get life-change if you're not honest with yourself or others?  Guys, that's what this whole thing is about; coming to the place where we say, "You know, it really doesn't matter what you think about me - Here I am!" And seeing that there's a family of people who want to embrace you, just like you are.  

That's EXACTLY the response God is looking for from each of us.  If you have been a Christian for any length of time yourself, then you have probably found yourself at some point getting "ready" for church.  Putting on your "spiritual makeup" so you can present yourself to other believers as a "worthy" subject of Christ.  But inside you're recoiling at the very thought of telling one more person, "Fine, I'm just fine...and you?"  

With each passing day I become more aware of the incredibly fragile state of humankind.  But it's not something I look at disparagingly.  It's something that gives me joy and great peace. The goof ups, the mistakes, the little rebellions that we ALL participate in - sometimes willingly - are truly such precious things.  Why? Because they help us see that we're not enough.  And we can see our need for God.  

The next time you make a mistake, the next time you do or say something you wish you hadn't, the next time you realize that you have become truly lukewarm in your relationship with God and with other people, don't mope.  Rejoice!  Be of good cheer.  Why? Because you have arrived at the place where God's grace and mercy can bring life-change.  And you're in good company!  

The biggest reason we get lukewarm, is because we think we have failed to live up to our own expectations of what a Christian should be.  I think maybe we need to adjust our thinking a bit. Let me ask you something:  Is there anything more important than for a Christian to be humbled by how much God loves us anyway?  Is there anything that makes us more humble then to come face to face with our own shortcomings?  God's strength is made PERFECT in our weakness!  

Bring you imperfections to the pool and jump on in.  The water may be warmer than you think.    


  1. This is part of what I LOVE about this church, its REAL!!! No matter where someone is in their spiritual journey, WE ARE ALL WELCOME on the same level!!! AWESOME!!! Thank you.

  2. A heated pool ... WHY Wait? to jump in ... It it heated by our desire to know Him even more and more... So Jump In now and stay warm Forever ;)


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