Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The 5500

Who are you?  

You are the 5500.

You want to know some things about yourself?

Let's look at some surveys and statistics.  

15% of you regularly use marijuana.  You committed 24% of all gun homicides in the past ten years. You racked up more than twice the number of misdemeanor charges of any other group.  While 25% of you are enrolled in post-secondary education, you also account for nearly 25% of all traffic fatalities.  50% of you come from single parent family homes.

12% of you say that you volunteer in church, the smallest percentage of any generation.  You are the least likely of any group to pray to God.  You are less likely to be born again.  You are least likely to indicate that faith matters in your life.  You are least likely to believe that God is the all-powerful, all-knowing perfect creator that rules the world today.

There are 5500 of you within a ten mile radius of the front door of Crossroads Annex.  You are Mosaics, between the ages of 18 and 25.  You comprise half of all attenders at the Annex.  You are powerful, strong and beautiful.  You are the backbone of Crossroads.  And your influence on others, in the world in which you live, is greater than the influence of any other age group to ever walk the face of the planet.

You are influencers of the highest order.  You possess within yourselves the ability to actually change the world. That's who you are.  Now...who do you want to be?     


  1. Hey, what about us Dalevillians!! J/K
    Bible study was awesome last night. God is Awesome. That's all I got...

  2. my jaw just hit the floor!

    and diddo, to what Ben said, Bible study rocked!


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