Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Bugs In My Teeth

I just got back from our monthly Ocala Coaching Network meeting.  Each month I meet for a full day session with a group of purpose driven church planters, coached by Hal Mayer. I rode down Sunday after church on "Elvis", my '06 Road King Classic.  It was smooth sailing all the way from the house to the hotel.  But the weather turned icky last night.  Rainy and obviously dark, as it was, you know...night?

I have four caveats when it comes to riding "Elvis".  I'll ride in the rain.  I'll ride at night.  I'll ride on the Interstate. I'll ride with a half-skinned back tire. But I'll only do TWO of those things at the same time!

So I stayed an extra night, left this morning in the bright sunshine, and blasted the 330 miles home in 5 hours, with 2 stops for gas and Red Bull.  Zow!

Lots of great stuff going on at Crossroads.  Four people re-committed their lives to Christ last week!  We start a new series for the month of April called Home Improvement.  It's sure to be a blast!  We're signing people up for a new motorcycle fellowship group, and a women's exercise class.  No, they won't be meeting at the same time.

Gotta run to our creative team meeting to get video clips and illustrations lined up for our first Home Improvement episode, Quibbling Siblings.  Look forward to fresh posts on my Blog each day this week.  It seems there's a lot of you reading these things.  Out Site-meter registered 58 visits last night alone (and I wasn't even on line - Ha, ha!).

Love you guys.  Talk to you soon.  Like in a few hours...   


  1. Funny...and infinitely practical! Ladies and gentlemen, my coach: Hal Mayer. Who drives a Jeep. In the rain, on the interstate, with half-skinned rear tires...EVEN when it's dark out! That's why you're the coach, and I am the grasshopper. Speaking of grasshoppers, I swallowed three on my way back...


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