Thursday, February 19, 2009

Why Come On Sunday?

Hey guys, just a quick post to encourage you to INVITE BIG this weekend.  Yes, I say that often, but this weekend it is particulary important.  Not only will we have coffee, donuts, great music, and a chance to laugh, but we're going to have something even longer-lasting.  

The final installment of our current series The GAME SHOW will be "The Price Is Right", and I ain't talkin' about what a gallon jar of pickles or a roll of aluminum foil costs.  I'll be talking about the price of peace, the price of healing, the price of forgiveness, the price of joy, the price of abundant provision, the price of freedom from the bondage of addiction, depression, anxiety, fear, guilt, remorse and sorrow.  I'll be talking about the price that needs to be paid to ensure that life doesn't end in the graveyard, but lasts eternally in the presence of a loving Creator.  I'm talking about the price that we could never pay.  But Jesus Christ, God's only Son paid that un-payable price Himself, and God called the price, the cost, the debt - paid it in full.  And we got it all for FREE!  The price IS right.

This Sunday will be the most straight-forward, evangelistic GRACE message we have ever shared from the platform at Crossroads.  BRING SOMEONE.  If you know someone who has never heard the message of the Gospel, or someone who has heard and never responded: BRING THEM.

I make you this promise: You get them there, they will hear the truth about salvation and have an opportunity to respond.  Just BRING THEM.

And if you think you've heard it all before and you don't need to hear it again, I make you another promise: If you come, you will hear and learn things you never thought of before. Not just things that are interesting, but things that may change the way you think about salvation forever.  See you Sunday!



1 comment:

  1. Sounds like its gonna be awesome! You know whats great....That I cant wait for Sunday...and thats ALL the time. Its like we get done with Sunday morning, and THAT day I cant wait until the next Sunday. Strange concept: "People actually excited to go to church". I LOVE being a part of Crossroads! Oh and I got 2 peeps to commit to coming this Sunday. Can I get a woot woot!


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