Sunday, February 15, 2009


Hey guys, what a great day today at Crossroads.  Though I spent most of last week battling the crud, and I was feeling the effects of congestion and cough medicine this morning, I had my wits about me long enough to recognize that God is doing something really cool in our midst.  Here's a few quick takes from the weekend:
  1. I was blown away by how HUGE the crowd was today considering the icky weather.  GREAT turnout!
  2. The people of Crossroads continue to exhibit overwhelming faithfulness and generosity in their giving.  It is always inspiring, but especially in difficult economic times, to see people rely on and trust in God as their ultimate provider.
  3. Great to welcome so many first time attenders this morning!
  4. Really great also to see those who have hooked up in the last few weeks!  I don't know if you have noticed but we have a couple of dozen new folks that were at church for the third or fourth week in a row...and threatening to return!  Awesome.  Nothing like repeat offenders!  Very cool.
  5. We live in a military town and one of the realities is that we only get our faithful flight school families for a short time.  But what an important part of the fabric of the church these families are!  Always sad to see families leave, but encouraging to see more and more of them coming and making their home at Crossroads. We need to find ways to connect with flight school students and their families EARLY ON when they just get to town, so we have maximum time to spend together!
  6. The message today was needful on many levels.  Though it wasn't a laugh-a-thon (and I was not on my A-game due to the crud effect), I had more than normal people comment on how important it was that they heard what they did today about reconciling with others.  Thank God that He knows what we need to hear, when we need to hear it!
  7. How amazing it is to see so many who come each week experience life change, true transformation, as they come in direct contact with the love of God.  I see it over and over again.  (If you are not seeing happen, grab me some Sunday morning - I'll show you MANY examples...starting with me!)  
  8. I heard from MANY out in Roadie-land what a tough week they had last week.  I had many calls and spoke and corresponded with many people who were really struggling in the area of relationships with God and with other people.  Add to that the many who were fighting colds and flu, and those who were simply worn out and stressed out from their work life - it was good to gather together today, to worship, to pray, to hear Gods Word, and to recognize that God cares about EVERY area of our lives.  We can count on His grace and mercy to lift us up even in the really hard times.  Seeing that happen was probably my biggest "get" this weekend.
  9. Thanks again to Brett Himes for allowing us to use so much of his sound equipment.  Though little by little we are getting our own stuff, we could not have done what we did to this point without his help!
  10. To all who come early work hard and stay late to clean up each week - transforming the college cinema into the place we call home - THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING.  Our amazing high output staff, leaders and volunteers are the backbone of the Crossroads community and cannot be praised enough!
Okay, 'nuf for now.  Have a great Monday and a fantastic week!  I look forward to connecting with you throughout the week, until we meet again next Sunday at Crossroads.  I will sleep well tonight, counting myself as the most blessed and fortunate man on the planet, to get to pastor this church.  How did I get so lucky?     

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