Sunday, February 1, 2009

Big News

Okay, no more tease.  I'm going to share something important with you.  Now, having said that, this may not be big news to anyone but me and Leslie, but I can assure you it's big news to us, and I believe it will have a far-reaching impact on the continued growth of Crossroads.

Now, having said all that, let me say that last week Leslie and I felt very strongly - and felt a great deal of peace - about putting some real teeth into the way we advertise.  So we began looking at some rather large options.  When the pricing came back, we were not surprised, but we knew it was more than the church could afford right now.  So Leslie called them back and said, "Look, here's what we can afford, what can you do?"  Well, what they did was meet our price.  Not only that, but they offered a package which included an additional option that we did not consider before because we were sure it would be too expensive.

So we entered this weekend, knowing exactly what we wanted to do as a big piece of our advertising presence in the community (not ALL of it, but a big piece); we felt certain that we were hitting the bulls-eye on God's timing for it; and we knew we did NOT have the money in our possession to cover the initial cost of setting the whole thing up.  Today, this very morning, while the normal weekly  offering we feel we are somewhat able to project was very strong,  there was something else in it.  In this morning's offering was a large check - one which we did not expect, because it was outside the projected level of our normal offering - that was MORE THAN ENOUGH to cover ALL of the initial costs to get this advertising push rolling!

Having said all that, let me just keep from going completely public with the exact nature of what we're going to do until we actually do it.  However, understanding you may be getting tired of all this crap, give me a call and I'll talk to you about it if you want to know.  I just really don't want it on the blog right now.

Here's the thing I think is the important take-away:  WHEN GOD GIVES THE VISION, HE MAKES THE PROVISION. Guys, what God did this morning BLEW MY MIND.  I should know better, right?  I've seen Him do things like this a hundred times before.  We were dreaming out loud, and while we were dreaming out loud, God had ALREADY PROVIDED everything we would need to make those dreams a reality.

Now THAT, is big news!  



  1. I am so happy for you tw it sounds like your churchis really growing fast. I am glad that you are fallowing God's path for you it really is an insperation to me. I am proud to call you my uncle.

  2. Thanks Diana. I'm proud to BE your Uncle! And it's GREAT to hear from you! Glad you're keeping up through the blog. Be sure to check out our website at You can listen online there to a podcast of each weeks message. Have a great week!

  3. WOW!! That is awesome news! I think sometimes our little minds try to figure everything out on our own and forget that God is always ahead of us. He goes before us and makes a way, right! God is so good!

  4. awesome!!!
    I want the detail, so I'll later today or tomorrow...
    mostly likely when your really, really busy! lol!
    talk to you soon.


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