Thursday, February 12, 2009

Quite Possibly The 2nd Most Important Blog Post Ever...Maybe.

Well, I have to admit I'm approaching my keyboard a bit sheepishly this morning as I think back on Sunday, and how big a deal I made of using my Blog as a tool to stay connected to the going's on at Crossroads.  And I haven't blogged since Sunday night.  Hopefully, if you're showing up for the first time, you've found plenty to wade through in the archives to keep you intellectually stimulated and spiritually motivated, and tickled somewhere close to your funny bone.  If not, you're not looking hard enough.  Keep digging.

Truth be told, I wrote an extraordinarily long (and completely useless, for much the same reason) Blog post on Tuesday evening entitled, The Most Important Blog Post Ever. Apparently, it fell somewhat short of that billing, being relegated to the trash bin shortly after Leslie read it and found it neither intellectually stimulating, spiritually motivating (or funny bone tickling for that matter).

Here is what I meant to say:
  1. We have a RARE opportunity at Crossroads.  The kind of opportunity that comes along in life about as frequently as Haley's Comet.
  2. I can vouch for the scarcity of such opportunity, having been on the winning side of a similarly rare opportunity (though in the business world).
  3. Because of that, I recognize that we must do everything possible to capitalize on this opportunity, lest it slip through our fingers.  Because it can if we let it.
  4. We have a great deal of work to do.
  5. We are infinitely qualified to do that work.
  6. Keep your nose in the wind, and your shoulder to the wheel. (In other words, pay attention to everything around you, and keeping pushing through the hard part).  
I get goose bumps the size of baseballs when I think of what God is really doing in Enterprise, Alabama.  I get goose bumps on those goose bumps when I see what he is doing in our community at Crossroads.  I am not dumb enough to think that feeling all goose-bumply will get the job done.  The things we have accomplished, to get where we are in one short year, will not take us where we need to be one month, one year, or five years from now.

What will?

Praying God's will.  Studying to show ourselves approved (and not just the Bible, either). Connecting with God, each other, and the world around us. Not giving up when things get tough.  And working diligently to improve our systems (how we do things), our environments (how things look and feel), and our communication (how we send and receive information).  

If you are part of the staff or leadership, or are a volunteer at Crossroads, I look forward to working with you to improve systems, environments and communication in your individual area of ministry. If you are not...Why not?  Join with us as we commit to improve those three areas in our church, and in our personal lives as well!

Love you guys!  Hope you are stimulated, motivated...and tickled.  I have a screaming headache and a stuffy nose and I'm going back to bed.  Have a great day tomorrow!  Invite someone to Crossroads this weekend.     



  1. WOW! I've been learning some of that this week too.
    with Amplify, and and work.
    we've got to lean into the dip if we ever expect to get any real results.
    btw, I tried everything I could to read the 1st blog post tuesday, and it just wouldn't load up.
    maybe that was for the best! lol!

  2. Gene,
    You are so right as we have had those moments of scarce opportunity. Times we captialized and other times we tanked. I actually just taught our new members class last night that part of loving your church is taking advantage of the opportunity God give us to serve.

    I am so proud of the work you all are doing there at Crossroads. May God continue to bless and multiply your ministry.

    Love you guys,

  3. Gene,
    You are so right as we have had those moments of scarce opportunity. Times we captialized and other times we tanked. I actually just taught our new members class last night that part of loving your church is taking advantage of the opportunity God give us to serve.

    I am so proud of the work you all are doing there at Crossroads. May God continue to bless and multiply your ministry.

    Love you guys,

  4. When everything is going great, and all is Buzz and Excitement, that is not the time for laurel-resting, but for for wisdom-seeking. Only big dreams, new ideas, hard work, and God's help will take us where we long to go. From our lips to His ears......

    Great post. Can't wait to see what happens next!

  5. I like this post much better than the last one too. I have similar feelings about the amazing opportunity for Crossroads here in Enterprise. I pray I can provide the right spirit, abilities,and knowledge to help fulfill God's vision for Crossroads.


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