Wednesday, February 4, 2009

No More Secrets

If you want different results than you've had before - really, in any area of life - it's pretty plain that you have to do different things than you've done before.  Same things, same results. Rocket science, right?

Quietly, we started doing church differently than it was traditionally done in this town. And we've had very positive results.  Quietly we have begun to coalesce into a community (tribe) of people connected by a common purpose.  Quietly we have begun to learn how to connect with one another, and we have begun to use new and innovative ways to communicate within our tribe.  Quietly we have reached those outside of our community with a positive and inspiring message.  Quietly we have experienced - and have witnessed others experience - life change.  Quietly.  

Enough quiet.  It's time to crank the volume up.  Time to let the secret out.  We're taking a big step to do just that at the end of this week.  Look for it.



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