Monday, February 2, 2009


Sunday was such a great day for Crossroads in so many ways I don't even know where to start, so I'll try chronological order.  No...that'll never work.  Okay, here's a few take-aways:
  1. After spending an inordinate amount of time preparing Sunday's message, I woke up Saturday morning completely stuck.  But God knew exactly what would happen Sunday morning.  Though I'm getting better at relaxing and trusting, it was still a rather tense day.  Thank God for his Word and the power of the Holy Spirit (see post below 'Up Late').
  2. What a GREAT CROWD on Sunday morning.  Many, many regulars out and we still had one of our best crowds ever.
  3. God did something HUGE Sunday (see previous post), giving was off the chain, right on time, and exactly the amount we needed!
  4. Many people rededicated their lives to Christ on Sunday!
  5. Great to have the Comm Card lady back in action.
  6. Many, many people under the weather on Sunday still WORKED THEIR BUTTS OFF!  What an inspiration. Thank you all for blowing off your very real physical challenges to make Crossroads work this weekend.
  7. Saw old friend and his family Sunday that I only dreamed I would see at Crossroads.  Guess what?  They had a FANTASTIC time!
  8. Mad props for Filling Station. MANY GREAT COMMENTS from moms and dads about the quality of children's ministry at Crossroads!
  9. Set-up team in sanctuary ROCKS!  Everything looked great.  Cool new series signs were a highlight in the big room.
  10. Crack tech staff did a great job yesterday.  Sound was great, cues were right on time, no buzz, no fuss, no muss, and we had a feed from the board through the whole building.  Yeah!
  11. Worship band cooked it down.  LOVED the open song!
  12. Top to bottom, front to back, yesterday was probably about the best day all around we've ever had at Crossroads from the standpoint of doing ministry the way God put it on our hearts, and communicating practical application from God's Word to help people LIVE better.
  13. People STAYED in the lobby after the service.  That's a big win.  When people aren't flying out the door as soon as the bell rings, and we keep the donuts out and the coffee on, we get more time to connect.  I love the lobby at Crossroads. (But I do wish it was twice as big as it is.  Someday...soon).
  14. Great lunch with a handful of Roadies at the Hut.
  16. And, uh...oh yeah, the Superbowl was a pretty good game.  The commercials weren't nearly as good as they usually are, but it was GREAT to be home on Superbowl Sunday Night, and not at an obligatory church service with a handful of people that a) don't care anything about what hundreds of millions of other people do, or b) didn't want to be at church either.  (insert chorus to Aretha Franklin song 'Think' here, "Freedom...woh-oh freedom...") 


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