Friday, October 2, 2009


Acts Chapter 8 includes a bit of narrative about how the Gospel was going forth in Samaria. You should read it. It's really good. A few verses jump out at me this morning. Here they are:

v. 9 A man named Simon had been a sorcerer there for many years, amazing the people of Samaria and claiming to be someone great.
v. 11 They listened closely to him because for a long time he had astounded them with his magic.

The story goes on to reveal that once Simon saw the awesome power of the Holy Spirit, he offered the apostles money in exchange for the power. Obviously that didn't work out too well. Peter told him that God's gifts can't be bought and to repent of his wickedness. And Peter said to him, "I see that you are full of bitter jealousy and held captive by sin".

Simon wanted to be great. To be seen and known as someone great by all the people of Samaria. He'd had quite a run there before the Apostles showed up, and the Bible gives us the sense that Simon enjoyed his position in the community. But Simon could clearly see the difference between what he was doing, and the truly life-giving, life-changing power of the Holy Spirit that the Apostles gave freely. And he was bitterly envious of their impact on the people around them. He was jealous of them, counting what they did as something "successful". Something he wanted.

But there's a galactic difference between what Simon wanted to do in Samaria and what the Apostle's wanted to do in Samaria. Simon wanted to be famous, and he wanted it so badly, he was willing to pay any price to get it. But the Apostles wanted to make Jesus famous. That's why they had the power, and that's why people followed them. Because the Apostles knew it wasn't about them. It was about Jesus.

My take-away? When we are more focused on building our own empire than on building God's Kingdom; when we're more interested in being famous, than in making Jesus famous; when we'll pay any price for power; we'll have no part in what God is doing, for our hearts will not be right (Acts 8:21).

Get your heart right. Build the Kingdom of God. Make Jesus famous in your world.