Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Crossroads Children's Annex

In case you missed Pastor Matt and Hollie's awesome video announcement on Sunday...

This coming Sunday, November 1st, Crossroads new Children's Annex will open in the dance studio right next door to the College Cinema where our Sunday morning services take place. Pastor Matt & Hollie, Jessie Brooks and all of our faithful volunteers are working hard to create a safe and fun environment for your children nursery through kindergarten-age.

As you know, the Peek-A-Boo Nursery and Big Wheels Pre-School met in Cinema 3 since we launched last year. Everyone did a great job working to create a great environment there for our children, but doing nursery/pre-school in a movie theatre presents some challenges that simply can't be overcome. Flat, level floor space has always been the biggest of those challenges.

This Sunday, follow the signs to our new Children's Annex where your nursery through kindergarten-aged child will find a warm, inviting, safe environment with 4000 square feet of flat, level floor-space to love, laugh, learn and play!! Our staff is ready to accommodate the needs of all of our Crossroads kids! As always, there are many volunteer opportunities still available in every area of ministry at Crossroads. If you are interested in serving in our Children's Annex one Sunday a month, see Pastor Matt or Hollie on Sunday, they'll be happy to hook you up!

Thanks to all the parents of our nursery through kindergarten-aged children who entrusted the care of your kids to our great staff, and braved the idea of children's church in a movie theatre. You have patiently waited for us to expand, and we are ready to serve your family at a "whole 'nutha level"!! Thank you. See you Sunday at the new Children's Annex!!!