Friday, October 23, 2009

Crazy Busy

I remember reading a small book some years ago called Tyranny of the Urgent by Charles Hummel. In it he talks about the fact that we often ignore the IMPORTANT in favor of the URGENT, and he mentions something known as the Parkinson Principle: "Work expands to fill all the available time". In other words, even if we had a 30-hour day, soon we'd still have just as many unfinished tasks, unanswered emails, and (in my case) unwritten blog posts. That's a pretty creative excuse for not being here since Tuesday, huh? Read the book's worth it. It's helpful in getting priorities straightened out.

Here's how my weeks gone: Sunday was incredible, baptizing 12 people while more than 100 witnessed the whole experience and hung out together. Monday we dug into our upcoming series at Crossroads "All-In", blogged, edited podcasts, and did the myriad tasks required every Monday. Tuesday was more study and preparation, video shoots, and creative meetings. And then came Wednesday. Ahh...Wednesday. Me and Leslie took our first day off in more than a couple of weeks. Woke up late. Spent the day together. (Next to the baptism, probably the most IMPORTANT thing I did all week). Then, we had our first small group meeting Wednesday night. Thursday was hectic from 7:30AM to 8:30PM culminating in the Wiregrass Hope Group annual banquet. These people do INCREDIBLE work in our community. Crossroads supports them financially, and I encourage you to do so personally. Today, rain, email blasts, more rain, message prep, probably more rain, and catching up from being out Wednesday and being so busy Thursday. Saturday, motorcycle ride with a crazy bunch of ROADIES. All invited. meet at the College Cinema at 8AM. That's my week. Hope yours was slower. I'll bet it wasn't.

Sunday, we're wrapping up The Living Dead. It's been a great series. a lot of fun, but a REAL important message. Paul says, "throw OFF the old sinful nature, put ON your new nature". Easier said than done, right? So Sunday, in our final installment, we're going to talk about an INFINITELY PRACTICAL tool to help us. It's all about RE-SETTING boundaries. In other words, setting the boundaries in our lives so far BACK from the edge of disaster, that to cross those boundaries would not result in immediate carnage in our lives. In practice, it really, REALLY works.