Monday, April 6, 2009


Fantastic day yesterday at Crossroads.  here's some quick takes from the day, and a bit of what's happening this week:
  1. Great attendance on a rainy Sunday.  Many re-commitments, and decisions for baptism!
  2. We did the final installment of GOD LOVES U2, a series that I hope all enjoyed, and trust brought inspiration and change in the lives of many.  TONS of positive feedback from this series (even from people who don't like U2).  It was fun, challenging, and I believe it helped grow the kingdom of God. 
  3. This series (and some cool billboards) accompanied our biggest bump in overall attendance since Freedom-Fest pre-launch.
  4. My biggest take-away from the whole series is all the new people I got to meet.  That continues week after week to be the thing that gets me out of bed every morning.  I LOVE having the opportunity to meet new people and share with them what God has given us at Crossroads.
  5. Sunday morning THE WORSHIP BAND ROCKED!!!!!  Sam, Will and Chris sounded HUGE as a three-piece with Brian at the board and Janna absolutely sang my face off as she sang her heart out.  Great, great worship.
  6. Had some unavoidable technical glitches throughout the service which gave us all the ammunition we needed to continue to promote our effort to raise $30 thousand for top-notch sound and lighting gear for the sanctuary.  What a BLESSING it was that a family that does not even ATTEND Crossroads (though there are strong ties that bind us together) gave us over $600 to seed that effort!
  7. OCONUS giving by deployed military personnel (some of whom have NEVER SET FOOT in our church, continues to be a HUGE part of the financial support Crossroads receives each month.  10% of all giving at Crossroads comes from some unbelievably faithful Apache pilots in Iraq.  Not to mention what we receive from faithful servants of God in Afghanistan.  GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU SAFE!  
  8. Greg and Becki knocked it out of the park in the Filling Station Sunday and Children's Pastor Hollie Mendenhall got to actually sit in the adult service.  Awesome teamwork and leadership guys!
  9. Too many people to thank for making Crossroads work each week without leaving DOZENS out, but HAVE to mention Shelly Martinez who ROCKS coffee!  Thank you for giving us all the edge we need!  
  10. Brian and Michelle, Mike Armstrong and Chris & Jessie Brooks and EVERYONE who gets it set-up and torn down each week are the BACKBONE of our ministry.  Without your faithfulness and those you inspire to serve, there would be no Crossroads.
  11. Our small group was absolutely KICKIN' on Sunday night, trust yours was as well!
  12. Will Lurie has created some incredible 3D video for our new series 'It Came From Within - 3D' which begins EASTER SUNDAY!
  13. Test inflating our giant 30-foot tall T-Rex in the Crossroads parking lot tomorrow at 9:00AM.  Thanks to Royal Southern for coming through.  Where else will you find an inflatable dinosaur at church on Easter Sunday?  Only one place in Enterprise.  Our place.
  14. Sunday night a group of 15 young people and five Youth Leaders including Hal Mayer IV - youth pastor for Church at The Bay in Tampa, Florida arrived in E'prise to help us get the word out.  But late this afternoon they had distributed 2500 door hangers, w/2500 more to go tomorrow.  Thanks you is not neraly enough.  COME TO THE GARAGE on WEDNESDAY NIGHT at the Annex.  Hal will be sharing and the CATB youth will be in attendance.  Let's LOVE on them so GOOD, they can't WAIT to come back to Enterprise!
  15. Praying for a couple thousand square foot facility for the CATB youth!
THIS SUNDAY is EASTER SUNDAY.  Invite Big.  I'll be in touch all week long with Blog posts, video tweets, email blasts and other opportunities to stay connected with the preparation for the biggest weekend to date at Crossroads.  Can't wait!

I KNOW I forgot a lot of stuff I wanted to share in this post because it came so late after the service but know that we love you and are praying for.  Have a fantastic week!

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