Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Getting Ready

This week a TON of stuff is going on at Crossroads as we prepare for Easter Sunday.  Video is being edited, transitions are being worked on, messages begin prepared, art work being completed, worship guides being printed, email blast being prepared, invite cards being dropped at random locations and handed directly to people, digital billboards getting new graphic elements and in the midst of that 20 awesome, selfless youth and their leaders come up from Tampa and hang 5000 door hangers on front doors all over Enterprise inviting people to Crossroads new series beginning Easter Sunday.

This is a big deal.  For those of you who have labored long since our first service Easter Sunday at the Annex last year, or since we launched at the College Cinema on August 10th, this coming Sunday is not just a big deal for the church, it's a big deal for you and me, because together, WE are the church.

Here's a couple of things I want to ask you to think about, pray about, and do about all that to make this already special day, really special for those who may be attending for the first time:
  • Show up early Sunday morning to help with set-up.  We have a bunch of new signs to hang and things to arrange.
  • Avoid clumping with folks you know real well, and make yourself available to meet and welcome new people as they come in.  Here's a great thing to say, "Hi, I'm ______, welcome to Crossroads!"  And have a conversation with them
  • Please, please, please fill up the seats down front and center.  It's seems like most people like to sit as far back as possible (I TOTALLY understand that).  But  I promise, I will shower EXTRA hard on Sunday morning and eat LOTS of breath mints.  Join me down front, and let's allow lots of room for first-time attenders further back.
  • Personally invite people to Crossroads on Sunday.  No matter how much advertising we do, nothing will ever take the place of a personal invite.
  • Pray that God will send people for us to LOVE and pray for for those who attend to receive Christ THIS Sunday.
  • Be ready and willing to pitch in wherever help is needed.
  • Make sure you come on Sunday unless you are dead (or bleeding really badly).
  • Stay late and help get Easter Sunday packed away.
Have a FANTASTIC day!  I am so TOTALLY stoked for Easter Sunday at Crossroads, can't wait to see you all there, and to experience what God has planned for all of us!

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