Monday, June 21, 2010

WEEKEND UPDATE (Father's Day 2010)

Hey everybody! Great weekend at Crossroads and great Father's Day celebration for all (and a great day for me personally, I'll tell you that right now!)  God is SO GOOD!  I can't believe I get to be a part of the AWESOME stuff He is doing in our community and that I get to serve at Crossroads!  Here's a few of the things I noticed on Sunday:
  • So many churches are FULL of women (and that's great), but one of the many things I LOVE about my church is that it is FULL of men, and FULL of dads who are walking in the fear of the Lord!
  • Great to share from Psalm 128.  When you see a man who's walking in the fear of the Lord, you see a man who's FULL of great joy!  He's prosperous, fruitful and blessed!  That's a promise from God's word!
  • Father's day can be a rough time (like Mother's Day), for those who have had difficult relationships with their fathers, for those whose father's have passed on, for those who were abandoned by their father, for those who were abused by their fathers.  There's no more complicated relationship than that between father and child.
  • Even though those relationships can conspire to take us down emotionally, God's design for our lives is to live a His own children.  God wants us to fear him.  Not in the way we may have feared a verbally, emotionally, or physically abusive father, but in reverential awe as Creator and LOVING heavenly Father, who gave ALL He had to give just for us!  
  • So much fun sharing about baseball with the boys and my about my relationship with my daughter!  Yes, she has me completely wrapped around her finger (but I have a 'promise ring' wrapped around hers)!
  • I love to LAUGH!  Especially in church!
  • Leslie made me eggs benedict for breakfast, then she prepared a roast for a late lunch!  Thank you God for blessing me with such a loving and nurturing wife!  
  • Later, we went and saw The A-TEAM at the College Cinema with the whole fam including Will & Nat.  Guys, I'm just gonna tell you, my family reminds me of THIS.  I am certain that I am the most fortunate and blessed man in the world. Thank you God!
  • It's weird going to movies at the College Cinema on Sunday night.  Just saying.  (Would be a GREAT place to start a church!)
  • Guys, remember to EMBRACE DISCIPLINE.
  • Decide in advance how you're going to respond to the things that happen in your life.  Decide in advance what manner of life you are going to live.  When you do that, you already know how you're going to act when challenges, troubles, or temptations come your way.
  • Guys, men, dads remember to INVITE CORRECTION.
  • You must, must, must have someone (or several someone's) that you have personally authorized to speak into your life.  To tell you the truth about yourself, your life, and your work.  There's nothing like input form those who have gone before us.  There's nothing like THIS either.  Sometimes the truth hurts.  But if you respond to it in the right way, it'll make you a better man.  

Love, grace and peace to all.  Have a FANTASTIC week!  And remember, this Sunday is bar none, the most important service we have ever had at Crossroads so make sure that you and the whole family are there as we celebrate why WE LOVE OUR CHURCH, and we roll out our very first Capital Campaign.  Be praying this week about how God wants to work in your life to serve your community!  Watch for posts here all week long on God's view of our contribution to His work in our world.  See you Sunday! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for writing this Gene, because it exposes alot of truth's that don't get exposed, let me explain. The relationship between a boy and his father sets the tone for how a boy views the world around him. And whether it is a good one or a bad one, it will carry on for the rest of his life. In many cases such as mine who had an older father who grew up in a generation that didn't express anything but anger in order to " prepare " you for what the world is like, leaves gaping wounds of self worth and nearly decapitating needs to be accepted and loved. Just hearing the words " I love you son " and " I am here for you " will carry on for the rest of that persons life and help in ways I can't even describe! For me personally I never heard those words from my dad and it has to this day distorted alot of my viewing God as a " Father. " God has been so gracious to me in giving me people in my life to repair that hole, and I thank God for all of them who have spoken in to my life in a father/son manner. Once again, thanks for writing this blog and please keep it up, I know I read everyone of them and will continue to. Love you man,



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