Friday, April 30, 2010

Welcome to Crossroads

As the church, if we're going to REACH people we haven't REACHED before, we're going to have to GO places we haven't GONE before, and we're going to have to DO things that we haven't DONE before.  That's in our DNA at Crossroads.  That's what Crossroads is all about.  And we've never said we were here to do anything else.  Crossroads is different by design.  

At Crossroads we celebrate the diversity of humankind (BTW, that's not code for anything).  Some people will like Crossroads and some people will not.  That's just the way it is.  We have said for two years now: "Crossroads is a church for anybody, but not for everybody".  And we've made it plain that we are far more concerned about reaching people with the love of God and teaching them to love and serve like Jesus did, than we are about catering to "mature" Christians who labor under the misconception that "going deeper in God" has something to do with them.  Jesus said "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men". He didn't say, "Follow me, and I'll make you holier and more spiritual".  He didn't even say, "Follow me, and I'll make you a better person".  At Crossroads, we believe that "going deeper in God" has everything to do with how many people we influence for Christ, not how much we know, or how much of the Bible we can quote, or whether we can conjugate verbs in Hebrew and Greek.  We are not here to teach people the Bible.  We are not here to teach the Bible to people.  We are here to teach people how to LIVE according to Biblical values and principles.   

Over the past couple of years that we've been doing this, there are some commonalities that I have noticed about the kind of people that come to Crossroads and enjoy it, and dig in, and go to work, and grow in their relationship with God.  By and large they are:
  • People who do not like traditional church.
  • People who resist the status quo.
  • People who need grace and forgiveness.
  • People who do not already know everything.
  • People who have a sense of humor.
  • People who take the Gospel more seriously than they take themselves.
  • People who are touched by the infirmities of others.
  • People who are moved with compassion for others.
  • People who value others more than themselves.
  • People who are willing to learn.
  • People who are willing to grow.
  • People who are willing to change. 

Is Crossroads the right place for you?  If you don't know God and don't care - YES!  If you used to know God, but quit caring - YES!  If you want to care again - YES!  If you love God and care more about God's agenda than your agenda - YES!  If you need the forgiveness that only comes by grace through faith in Jesus Christ (something we preach at EVERY service, EVERY week) - YES!  If you are a Christian and the billboard on I-65 north of Montgomery that says "Go to church, or the devil will get you!" makes you laugh and makes you sad at the same time - YES!  If that same billboard makes you say, "I know that's right.  Amen.  That's what people need to hear to get their lives right with God"...well, honestly...probably not.

If you are looking for meaning and purpose in your life; if you've had enough of traditional church (and traditional church people); if you need someone to love you and care about your life; if you would rather have someone teach you how to apply the Bible to everyday life than pontificate a stream of overly-pious religious platitudes; if you are LOOKING FOR SOMETHING REAL, then Crossroads is most definitely the place for you. You'll find us at the intersection of church and life.

Welcome to Crossroads.  


  1. Yep. That just about sums it up! Great post! I had always been told that to go "deeper" in God, or "another level" in God you had to pray a certain way, be able to quote scripture at the drop of a hat, and dance, scream, shout and look like a fool for God. This is just not true. Yes, I believe we should pray, and pray everyday whenever and wherever we want...but you dont have to do it a certain way. I also believe that scripture is our weapon against our enemy and its good (and vital) to know it. I dont have to know the KJV version nor what page its on nor are we suppose to ATTACK people with it. Im also not afraid to look like a fool for God by dancing and shouting...but if I dont dance and shout it doesnt mean Im worshiping any less than when I do. When I get to Heaven Im not gonna look at Jesus and say, listen to me quote your words, look how much I know, look at what "level" Im on! Im gonna say, look at all your children I brought with me! And Im sure He would much rather see none perish than hear me talk. Then I know I will hear, "Well done thy good and faithful servant." Word.

  2. Hey bro- If I lived near you guys I would join!! if you would have me!

  3. I'm so glad to be a part of a church that loves me and is helping me grow. Not 'grow' as in make me 'feeel better'. Rather, 'grow' as in, learning how to use what God has given me to help others in whatever creative ways I can. I am inspired every week to love others, and to keep doing my best, because I know that, as is one of our most popular sayings at Crossroads, "God loves me and has great plans for me." What verse was that again. I know Leslie and Gene know it. It's very inspiring at Crossroads. Hard work, but inspiring. And at least I know that I am at achurch who's main goal is to love and help those in need. Thanks for your faith and hard work roadies.

  4. There's a couple of scriptures that really drive the statement, "God loves you and has great plans for your life". When I think about God's love for us and His plans for us, I always think about 1 John 4:10, "This is real love - not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins". God has great plans for all of us. It's up to us to decide to go with His plan, or our own. Sounds like you've picked His plan. Me too. Doesn't mean His plan for our lives will be easy, or filled with earthly riches, or will even be what WE want it to be, or think it should be. But His plans for us are most definitely GREAT! Thanks for your comment!

  5. Oops. I was gonna give you some other scriptures to look at and consider God's love for us. Here you go: Deut 23:5, Jeremiah 29:11, John 3:16, John 16:27, Romans 5:5, 1 John 4:7, Eph 5:1. And SO MANY MORE!!!


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