Thursday, April 8, 2010


This Blog's for you:
  • If you're a Crossroads attender.
  • If you don't mind my monologue.
  • If you post encouraging comments.
  • If you're a Body (of Christ) Builder.
  • If you're pursuing peace.

Now...responding to a slew of recent "junk mail" I have received: 
This may come as a surprise to some, but I don't write Blog posts for people outside our church.  And I could really care less what someone who doesn't attend Crossroads thinks of my theology.  I have absolutely no desire whatsoever to build an audience outside of Crossroads so your opinion really doesn't matter.  Guys, if your spewing religious diatribe, I'm not going to ever post your comments.  They get deleted immediately.  If it's important for you to see your high opinion of yourself printed in black and white, get a Blog.  They're free.  Spew all you want.  I'm sure you'll build a huge following of intolerant people just like you.    

Truly, it's beyond me why some people think I'm somehow obligated to read, let alone publish their 'religulous' commentary.  Here's some things you need to understand about me: I'm almost 50 years old, I've been married for 29 years to one woman and raised four children.  I've worked hard all my life to be a good provider.  I've won (and lost) fortunes.  I've never hidden behind a pulpit or a schoolbook and I could really give a crap what someone who doesn't attend Crossroads thinks of what I think, or what I say, or what I put on a billboard.  I wasn't put on this planet to do, or think, or say what you believe I should and you need to know that ANYTIME I get your crap in my in-box it makes me worker HARDER than ever to keep doing what I'm doing.

Folks, detractors don't discourage me.  They galvanize me.  When you criticize me, you make me stronger.  When you personally insult me, you bring me favor from God and those who support me.  When you lie about me, you better know you'll answer for it one day.  You screw with me to your own undoing, and you look like a fool while you're doing it.  I can't abide snipers, looters, or pot-stirring strife-makers.  And I wear size 11 Milwaukee motorcycle boot that would look great in your hind-parts. 

ROADIES: Remember this, the only people Jesus was ever mad at were religious people who claimed to love God but cleary did not love other people.  Religious people hung Jesus on a tree, but God raised him from the dead for losers like me!  Woo!!!







  1. WOW now that was INCREDIBLE, AWESOME and Mike & I LOVED IT!!!

  2. Keep on rolling Pastor Gene.
    There is no reason to attack leaders who impact no change. Let the religious have their religion we'll just follow Jesus without it.

  3. WOOT WOOT PG :o) Love it!! This reminds me of a certain time when Jesus busted up the junk that was going on in the sanctuary!! Keepin' it real.

  4. Hey Gene! I appreciate what you said about petty, judgmental, self-righteous, critical people. And although I don't know you, I presume you are always open to wise counsel even when it hurts.

    I have been hurt by people who want to hurt me and God grew me through it and blessed me in spite of it. I have also been hurt by people who love me and it also grew me and I have been blessed because of it.

    At one time, I made myself sick trying to be a peacemaker as I tried to serve Christ and make petty people happy - nearly killed me. When I realized that anyone I feared was like an idol to me I snapped out of it. Now I strive to only fear God. Furthermore, I believe that as I tried to please people the petty criticism actually got worse instead of better!

    So even though I have no idea what you said, or what hateful things were said to you, I think I understand the context. We who try to follow Him will also be lied to and about and hated without reason.

    Fixing my eyes on Jesus Who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross (and all the hateful crap they through at Him)! [My paraphrase ;-)]

    Mark, Pastor at Westside, Sumter, SC

  5. Thanks Mark and everyone who posted and emailed and facebooked me!


Your comments are welcome. Please keep them on point. Offensive comments, or those with a bent towards personal attack will not be published, and the commentator will be flogged.