Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Why SMALL Groups are a BIG Idea, Part 3

My anticipation, excitement, and enthusiasm level is at an all-time high, on this, the day of the eve of our small group leaders meeting before Grouplink this Sunday.  On Thursday night at the Annex, Ben and Kelly Rice will lead a meeting of singles and couples that have taken the bold step of saying, "Yes, I want to lead a small group". Some are long-time leaders at Crossroads.  Some are first-time small group leaders. Some are relatively new to Crossroads.  Some are young.  Some are...not.  But ALL have something in common that will serve Christ's desire for growth and unity in His church.

What Ben and Kelly will be sharing with small group leaders, and what everyone will be sharing with Crossroads congregation on Sunday, both in the service, and at our Grouplink Lunch at the Annex at 12 Noon after church, is a turning-point in the development of small groups and the beginning of a "whole 'nutha level" of unity in the church at Crossroads.

In the past, Crossroads small groups have used a variety of curriculum, from a variety of sources, with each small group studying something different.  While the individual curriculums are great, they were developed from messages prepared for other congregations.  Though their usefulness beyond that purpose is undeniable, their relevance to our congregation at this time and place is...arguable, no matter how good the teaching is.  Good teaching is good teaching and it is always valuable, but teaching specifically crafted for US right NOW is invaluable.

  1. What if there was a way for us to be on the same page at the same time?
  2. What if there was a curriculum designed just for us?

There is.  And it's another reason that SMALL groups are a BIG idea at Crossroads.  Stay tuned...


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