Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Conference Call Faux Pas

I thought this was appropriate given my new schedule.  Message prep conference call at North Point with Andy Stanley and Clay Scroggins advertising a series they did.  I know this has been out for a while, but it's short and it's too funny and it made me laugh my butt off this morning.  I appreciate this on several levels.  I've definitely been on both sides of this call...


  1. This was hysterical. On CC faux pas: I had returned from a business trip via the "red eye"; arriving home at 5:30 am, I had to face a 7:00 am CC. I took a quick shower and being exhaused just wrapped myself up in a comforter (yes buck naked) and layed on the couch and proped the phone up on my head and was planning on "sleeping" through the call. 15 minutes into the call, my door bell rang. It was my neighbor - I opened the door (still wrapped in the comforter) and announced "you can't come in, I am naked". In horror I realize the phone is NOT on mute. The CEO politely says...Monica you are not on mute... Of course I then tried to explain I am naked, but in comforter, today it is known as "THE conference call". Yea Crossroads! You change lives, thanks for being in this world.


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