Friday, January 29, 2010

Monthly Benevolence Offering

Don't forget that this Sunday is the last Sunday of the month.  That means we'll be receiving a special benevolence offering which assists Crossroads in serving the needs of others in our community.  As we head into a HUGE weekend at Crossroads (GROUPLINK/Lunch Sunday at 12 Noon at the Annex) I would ask everyone to not only prayerfully consider how you will participate in the benevolence offering, but also after having prayerfully considered it, act upon it. (Remember, our DIRECTION not our INTENTION determines our DESTINATION.  "I really intended to live generously".  So, did you live generously?  "No, but I intended to.  And it's the thought that counts...right?") 

Giving is something that Christ-followers do.  God gave.  Jesus gave. He told us to give.  We give.  As anyone who understands our position of giving, on tithes, on offerings knows, we don't give out of a sense of religious duty, we are not generous because "we have more and they have less so we ought to", we don't tithe 10% of everything that comes in because that's what Jesus told us to do.  We give, we are generous, we love and serve others because we are children of God, and that's what God does.  (If Crossroads position on tithes, offerings and living generously is unfamiliar to you, go to our PODCAST and listen to ALL-IN Week One - Are There Rules to This Game?).

And remember WHY we do a benevolence offering: We were fighting against depleting operating resources to do benevolence.  You can definitely do that, just not indefinitely.  The reason we began to receive a benevolence offering is so that we can DO benevolence (feed hungry people, help widows and orphans, assist homeless and support ministries that do) and still keep the lights on at Crossroads. So be prepared as you come Sunday.  And be smart.  If you regularly give $25 a week in the offering, please don't give $0 in the offering and $25 in the benevolence offering.  That defeats the purpose.  If you are practicing Planned, Priority, Percentage giving (I PLAN in advance, I make it a PRIORITY, I have picked a PERCENTAGE to give regularly), awesome.  Please continue to drive that out and stay faithful.  Don't allow the Benevolence Offering to be a Blue Light Special in your budget.  Fair enough?

Take time to pray and ask God what He wants you to do.  Then do it. Peace.

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