Monday, August 22, 2011

Sunday Wrap Up (August 21st, 2001)

Last week it was Happy Birthday Crossroads, as we entered our fourth year meeting at the College Cinema each Sunday morning.  Yesterday, it was happy birthday me, as I entered my 52 year of life with so many blessing to be grateful for, so many friendships to be thankful for, and a wonderful church - not just to preach at - but to truly call my home!  Thank you to everyone who made the day special!  Here's a few quick hits from the weekend:
  • First Service was rough for me.  I was a little the sound of the air conditioner.  Seriously, first service was as light in attendance as it's ever been.  I remember last week doing my best to encourage long-time Crossroads attenders to come to the first service to help make room for first-time guests.  I guess no one got the memo.  Or got it and ignored it.  PLEASE help your church reach people!  Yesterday's second service was packed.  That's awesome, but we really need to spread it around.  I promise you, first service is ROCKIN' when you are there!
  • Here's why the last paragraph is important:  Two weeks ago we had 24 first-time guests!  Sunday, we had 17 first-time guests!  I don't know another church our size that has that kind of momentum.  First-time guests are the most important people in the room, and we are PRIVILEGED at Crossroads to have so many!  Please help your church make them feel welcome by ensuring there's somewhere for them to sit.  THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Okay...moving's something really cool that happened Sunday: Steven Carlson proposed marriage to Ivy Mabalot in our lobby and (wait for it)...she said, "YES!"   Congrats Steven and Ivy!!
  • Love the Book of Nehemiah.  We'll be in it for the next few weeks.  Dig in and read the first 8 chapters.  We said this Sunday: "God didn't use the people to build a wall, He used the wall to build a people".  God ALWAYS has more in mind than just the physical.  While, using Nehemiah's inspired leadership, God provided for the physical safety, security and success of His people through the restoration of the wall, He also provided a WAY BACK TO HIM that ensured the spiritual renewal of the people He loved so much!  He wants to do the same thing in our lives, too!
  • The Apostle Paul understood about building our lives - and the church - ON purpose (Romans 3).  He showed us that "The key to building something that lasts is to build it on the right foundation".  
  • Our church is in Enterprise.  The slogan for our town: "CITY OF PROGRESS" is boldly painted on every water tower in town.  Let us BE THE CHURCH in Enterprise that understands: The ultimate purpose of any great undertaking by a City of Progress, should be spiritual renewal!
  • Care about the things that God cares about.  Pray for God's help in reaching our city for Christ.
In closing, part of the awesome progress we are comitted to at Crossroads is to make our Children's environments safe, secure and FUN!  We implemented a new check-in procedure on Sunday that had some flaws in it, and caused parents to have to wait longer than usual.  We'll do better next week, but please be patient and understand, we want to provide the safest and most secure environment possible for your children, where they can have fun and learn about Jesus!  Check-in and check-out that works is an important piece of that.  Work with us as we work out the bugs.

Remember also - as we enter our fourth year of being a church - that Crossroads, at times, is like an awkward, pimply-faced teenager.  We're not nearly grown up yet, but we work dilligently at growing every day.  There may be some things along the way that - when compared to a church that's been around for 50 years - make us look like amateurs.  But just like that awkward teen, we're not what we're going to be when we grow up.  And with your help and patience and love for others, Crossroads will grow up to something rare and something beautiful!

Jesus came to save sinners.  Our job is to let people know.


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