Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sunday, Dirty Sunday!

Momentum continues to build at Crossroads!  Sunday was a banner day as Pastor Ben Rice shared Part 1 of our two-part series DIRTY JOBS.  Tons of wins!  Here's a few things I noticed:
  1. I attended the first service and it was OFF THE CHAIN crazy!  For my money, that was (bar none) my favorite Ben Rice message ever!
  2. "It's not a dirty job unless you have to do it alone."  Wow!  What a strong (and absolutely accurate) statement.  Pastor Ben brought the heat, but cast a TON of vision for serving in the church.
  3. Response was OVERWHELMING.  Dozens of people signed up to volunteer in some are of ministry in the church.  The days of dirty jobs (some doing the work alone) are coming to an end!
  4. MANY people made decisions Sunday, not only to serve, but to trust Christ for the first time, or to renew their committment to Christ!
  5. "No one can do everything, but everyone can do something."  HUGE point, as Pastor Ben shared from 2 Peter 4 ("Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace...")
  6. "Each of you" means all of us!
  7. I was all over the campus during second service, looking in on our AWESOME children's ministry (nursery, toddlers, pre-school and elementary) and surfing the lobby when I stuck my head in the auditorium just in time to see something I had never seen before:  Due to a glitch in our pager system, ALL of the nursery pagers went off at the same time!  I'd just come from the nursery area and everything was completely calm, so I knew it was a glitch, but when all the red flashing pagers went off at the same time, all the nursery parents got up at the same time and walked out of the auditorium.  Pastor Ben looked rather confused for a moment, but kept driving!  It was a non-event, but good to know that we can clear the parents our of the auditorium quickly if we needed to.  (It had nothing to do with your preaching, Ben.)
  8. The VIDEO SEGMENTS that Ben did with Worship Pastor Nic McElveen (WATCH IT HERE) and Sound Tech David Myers (WATCH IT HERE) were absolutely hysterical!  Great job!
All in all, a wonderful day at Crossroads!  Thanks to EVERYONE who makes Crossroads happen each and every week!  See you next Sunday for Part 2 of DIRTY JOBS!

1 comment:

  1. (#7): it was a "dirty job", but someone had to do it!!! -kelly rice


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