Friday, November 26, 2010


What an unbelievably wonderful day yesterday!  The weather was absolutely gorgeous, and perfect for sharing a meal outside under the tent at the College Cinema parking lot.  Here's just a few of my thoughts about yesterday:
  • Crossroads volunteer army of servants was amazing!  Thank you all so much for giving your time, talent and treasure to make Thanksgiving special for so many!  From giving, to cooking, to smoking and grilling, to set-up and clean-up, to the wondeful job decorating the tent, to translating for Spanish-speakers, to delivering hot food to needy people in tough surroundings, you showed our community what love looks like! 
  • Crossroads staff hit a grand slam yesterday (and all week long preparing).  I am so proud of the job  of organizing and implementing that Will and Rachel and Chris did.  Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication!  Yesterday was the day your leadership at Crossroads came into full bloom.  I couldn't be prouder of you guys, and I want you to know what an honor it is to do the work of the ministry with you!
  • Crossroads Thanksgiving outreach was all over the News yesterday.  That wasn't something we promoted like that, it just sort of worked out that way.  Thanks to all who represented Christ and the church, with your newspaper and television interviews.  Here's a great story from the Dothan Eagle.  Make sure you watch to the end to see a great interview with Billy Donegan:

  • Including food delivered to the Christian Mission, food delivered to Martin Trailer Park, and food served under the big tent, YOU provided and served up 588 awesome meals yesterday!  That is simply AMAZING!
  • Hollie and her helpers signed up over 100 CHILDREN yesterday to receive free Christmas Stockings!  Another HUGE win!  Anytime we have a chance to share with a child, we have an opportunity to influence a family - and a generation - for Christ!
One of the biggest surprises yesterday is how much we learned for this type of outreach going forward in the years to come.  We see the huge need to serve people who simply can't get where we are.  Like last year, this year we looked at delivering food to local communities as something to do once the walk-up traffic slowed down.  Next year, we're going to add an element of mobility to our operation from the beginning.  I believe that we can easily feed over 1000 people with a mobile effort, while still connecting with our immediate neighbors.  I can't WAIT to do this again.  In fact, I wish we could do it every day!

Again, thank you ALL so much for working so hard to serve so many people yesterday!  I am energized by your desire and willingness to serve, and I am so proud of your generosity.  I know in my heart, that your heavenly Father is proud of you, too!  I believe that as we continue to serve the people around us, our influence to reach our community and our world for Christ grows exponentially.  

Can't wait to see you on Sunday and learn together, and share in the special and deeply meaningful celebration of communion!  

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