Friday, November 26, 2010


If I were a politician I'd most certainly be cast in the mold of a Joe Biden who can't seem to keep his foot out of his mouth, or possibly even a Dan Quayle, who stumping in Idaho (or is that Idahoe), was stumped by the spelling of potato (", E.  At least I think...isn't there an 'e' on the end of potato?"). Gaffe.

This morning (one post below) I posted a video than included a great interview by Billy Donegan.  It also included a comment from me.  As I watched it after posting it, all the blood ran out of my head as I realized that what I thought I said, I didn't really say at all.  In fact, what I actually said, could certainly be interpreted much differently than I meant it.  For the sake of humor, let's do a little compare and contrast:

WHAT I MEANT TO SAY: "A couple of years ago, looking around the table at Thanksgiving, I thought, 'I don't want to do this anymore, where it's just a small group of people who have so much, in fact way more than we need for ourselves, while there are people in our church and in our community that have little or nothing.  This experience is so wonderful, how much better would it be to share this day with lots of other people, than just to keep it all for ourselves".  (Beautiful sentiment, don't you think?).

WHAT I ACTUALLY SAID:  "A few years ago we were sitting around at Thanksgiving and I thought, 'I just really don't want to do this anymore.  I'd rather be around a bunch of other people'".  (Somewhat less than a beautiful sentiment, don't you think?)

I'm pretty sure that my immediate family (not to mention my in-laws, who were also 'sitting around the table' that fateful day), would not be happy to hear that I would rather trade them in on a 'bunch of other people', than suffer through another Thanksgiving with them.  "Holy cow!  Did he actually say that?"  Yes...he did.  Oops.  Not what I meant.  Mea culpa.  Mea maxima culpa.

Perhaps I should consider a career in politics.  I know...I could start by running for Governor of the State of Embarrassment.  Do I have your vote?

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