Thursday, November 4, 2010

Good Roots = Good Growth

Freshly ripped from the pages of our Small Group Guide for this week, I want to share this with the whole church.  So if you didn't get the chance to download the SG stuff this week, here's something you missed, that's worth not missing: 

As I studied and prayed and prepared during ‘HEALTHY HABITS’, and later during the 3-week series ‘GHOST’, it became obvious to me that these were not stand-alone series’. The Holy Spirit has completely orchestrated this season that we are in at Crossroads. Healthy Habits led into ROADIES 201 and into our teaching on the Holy Spirit in ‘GHOST’. The season continues in this same vein as we begin a three-part series on the fruit of the spirit with our new series called ‘FRUITFUL’. 

I am more aware than ever of the influence, leading, and guidance of the Holy Spirit and I trust that you are tracking as well. This is a special time in our church and in our lives. If you have noticed, there have been many changes in our congregation over the past six months. So many new faces, it’s as if we have an entirely new church! Perry Noble has said, “Numerical church growth is cyclical. It ebbs and flows in cycles. There’s a time for ‘fruit’ and a time for ‘root’”. If ‘fruit’ are the periods of numerical growth, as exciting as they are, then this time of ‘root’ is all the more precious and important. That is why the Holy Spirit is leading us in our current stream of teaching, so that we may “rooted and grounded in love” (Ephesians 3:17). 

I am reminded of Paul’s letter to the church at Rome, who he longed to be with, but was prevented time and again from seeing. He wrote, “I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you – that is that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine” (Romans 1:11, ESV). The word ‘strengthen’ means “established, or made firm, or stable, or constant”. I believe during this season of “root” that God is strengthening us, establishing us, making us stable and constant through the teaching of the Holy Spirit. And just as my faith encourages you, remember also that there is no greater encouragement that I could ever receive than seeing you grow stronger in the Lord. We encourage one another! 

So dig in. Get everything that God has for you, for your family, and for your life during this time! A season of significant numerical growth is coming again at Crossroads. Use this time wisely to prepare, so that YOU, strengthened, emboldened and empowered by the Holy Spirit might be “witnesses” to those God will send (to your life and to our church) in the months to come!


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