Sunday, November 28, 2010

WEEKEND UPDATE (Communion 112810)

Incredible service this morning at Crossroads.  A continuation of the 'koinonia' we have all experienced this week, from Tuesday at Love In Action, to Thursday's extraordinary Thanksgiving Outreach, Sunday morning at Crossroads was a fitting time of celebration and reflection as we shared communion for the first time at the College Cinema.  Here's a few takeaway's from the Service:
  • One BIG service Sunday at 10:30AM.  so cool to have the whole church in the building at the same time!
  • Worship was AWESOME!  Three of my very favorite tunes.  Nic & Janna also did an exceptional job with music at the end of the service during communion.
  • Communion for many can (or already has) become little more than ritual, but when the Bible speaks of communion, ritual doesn't come close to describing the true meaning.
  • Communion is so much more than just wafers (or bread Chiclets) and grape juice - yet the DEEP MEANING of those symbolic elements is not to be lightly regarded.
  • The same bonds than link us to Jesus as individuals also link us to one another.
  • Cool to share about the Last Supper, about the bread and the wine and what they represent!
  • We share communion to remember Christ's sacrifice and all that he has done for us in his life, death and resurrection!
  • Lord's Supper, commuion, holy communion, the bread & the wine, the body & the blood...MY favorite description is EUCHARIST in that 'Eucharistia' means THANKSGIVING!
  • Incredible to see so many people - responding to a call for self-examination - come forward to receive the elements of communion in our church.  Wow.  HUGE God moment in the young life of our fellowship (koinonia)!
I was so amped for Sunday's service.  I am so grateful for what God continues to do in and through the lives of the faithful at Crossroads.  Thank you God for giving us all the opportunity to experience 'koinonia' as we learn what it means to BE the church in our community! 

Have a GREAT week!

Friday, November 26, 2010


If I were a politician I'd most certainly be cast in the mold of a Joe Biden who can't seem to keep his foot out of his mouth, or possibly even a Dan Quayle, who stumping in Idaho (or is that Idahoe), was stumped by the spelling of potato (", E.  At least I think...isn't there an 'e' on the end of potato?"). Gaffe.

This morning (one post below) I posted a video than included a great interview by Billy Donegan.  It also included a comment from me.  As I watched it after posting it, all the blood ran out of my head as I realized that what I thought I said, I didn't really say at all.  In fact, what I actually said, could certainly be interpreted much differently than I meant it.  For the sake of humor, let's do a little compare and contrast:

WHAT I MEANT TO SAY: "A couple of years ago, looking around the table at Thanksgiving, I thought, 'I don't want to do this anymore, where it's just a small group of people who have so much, in fact way more than we need for ourselves, while there are people in our church and in our community that have little or nothing.  This experience is so wonderful, how much better would it be to share this day with lots of other people, than just to keep it all for ourselves".  (Beautiful sentiment, don't you think?).

WHAT I ACTUALLY SAID:  "A few years ago we were sitting around at Thanksgiving and I thought, 'I just really don't want to do this anymore.  I'd rather be around a bunch of other people'".  (Somewhat less than a beautiful sentiment, don't you think?)

I'm pretty sure that my immediate family (not to mention my in-laws, who were also 'sitting around the table' that fateful day), would not be happy to hear that I would rather trade them in on a 'bunch of other people', than suffer through another Thanksgiving with them.  "Holy cow!  Did he actually say that?"  Yes...he did.  Oops.  Not what I meant.  Mea culpa.  Mea maxima culpa.

Perhaps I should consider a career in politics.  I know...I could start by running for Governor of the State of Embarrassment.  Do I have your vote?


What an unbelievably wonderful day yesterday!  The weather was absolutely gorgeous, and perfect for sharing a meal outside under the tent at the College Cinema parking lot.  Here's just a few of my thoughts about yesterday:
  • Crossroads volunteer army of servants was amazing!  Thank you all so much for giving your time, talent and treasure to make Thanksgiving special for so many!  From giving, to cooking, to smoking and grilling, to set-up and clean-up, to the wondeful job decorating the tent, to translating for Spanish-speakers, to delivering hot food to needy people in tough surroundings, you showed our community what love looks like! 
  • Crossroads staff hit a grand slam yesterday (and all week long preparing).  I am so proud of the job  of organizing and implementing that Will and Rachel and Chris did.  Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication!  Yesterday was the day your leadership at Crossroads came into full bloom.  I couldn't be prouder of you guys, and I want you to know what an honor it is to do the work of the ministry with you!
  • Crossroads Thanksgiving outreach was all over the News yesterday.  That wasn't something we promoted like that, it just sort of worked out that way.  Thanks to all who represented Christ and the church, with your newspaper and television interviews.  Here's a great story from the Dothan Eagle.  Make sure you watch to the end to see a great interview with Billy Donegan:

  • Including food delivered to the Christian Mission, food delivered to Martin Trailer Park, and food served under the big tent, YOU provided and served up 588 awesome meals yesterday!  That is simply AMAZING!
  • Hollie and her helpers signed up over 100 CHILDREN yesterday to receive free Christmas Stockings!  Another HUGE win!  Anytime we have a chance to share with a child, we have an opportunity to influence a family - and a generation - for Christ!
One of the biggest surprises yesterday is how much we learned for this type of outreach going forward in the years to come.  We see the huge need to serve people who simply can't get where we are.  Like last year, this year we looked at delivering food to local communities as something to do once the walk-up traffic slowed down.  Next year, we're going to add an element of mobility to our operation from the beginning.  I believe that we can easily feed over 1000 people with a mobile effort, while still connecting with our immediate neighbors.  I can't WAIT to do this again.  In fact, I wish we could do it every day!

Again, thank you ALL so much for working so hard to serve so many people yesterday!  I am energized by your desire and willingness to serve, and I am so proud of your generosity.  I know in my heart, that your heavenly Father is proud of you, too!  I believe that as we continue to serve the people around us, our influence to reach our community and our world for Christ grows exponentially.  

Can't wait to see you on Sunday and learn together, and share in the special and deeply meaningful celebration of communion!  

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Yeah man, I'm giving thanks.  I'm giving thanks that I get to go to a place where people are interested in serving others.  I'm giving thanks that that interest is translated into action.  I'm giving thanks that God gives us opportunities to serve in real, tangible ways.  One of those ways is happening tomorrow at the College Cinema parking lot from 11AM to 1PM, and I'm as excited as a kid before Christmas!

I am blown away by (and SO very grateful for) the hard work, organization, and dedication of our staff at Crossroads, and by the amazing level of comittment shown by the dozens of people who are working overtime preparing food for tomorrows Thanksgiving celebration.

Tomorrow morning, people from all over our community will be going to work at 8:30AM, setting up, making preparations, bringing food they prepared, and setting the table for an outrageous outdoor Thanksgiving BBQ feast absolutely free for anyone who wants to eat.  Hundreds of flyers have gone out, newspaper and television has picked up the story, the billboard is set, and the entire community is welcome to share!  But one of the most wonderful things of all will happen near the end of the afternoon.  As the crowd begins to thin, we'll begin preparing containers of food to personally deliver meals to people in trailer parks and housing areas that many probably don't realize even exist.

I wonder what God will do tomorrow?  I know this: I'm definitely showing up to find out.  Can't wait to see that tent full of people digging in.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Well, it's deep into the late afternoon today and I'm just getting to this post.  Like everyone else, I've had a busy few days, but we did experience an exceptional weekend at Crossroads and I didn't want the day to comepletly evaporate before I got to share a few of the things I noticed on Sunday:
  • TONS of first-time attenders!
  • Worship was GREAT, especially in the second service.  LOVE the David Crowder song!
  • Everyone really responded to our call for more groceries for Thursday's Thanksgiving feast!  Great job Crossroads!
  • So excited for this week.  Can't wait to serve and eat BBQ with family, friends, and neighbors under the big tent!
  • Had a great time sharing the message on Sunday.  We finished our series 'Fruitful' on Sunday.  This week was my favorite of the whole series.
  • The Fruit of the Spirit isn't about coloring inside the lines and being "nice" to people.
  • The Fruit of the Spirit is an amazing and powerful equipping of God that arms us to fight evil with LOVE!
  • Faithfulness says, "I can count on you".
  • Gentleness says, "I can learn from you".
  • Self-Control says, "I can trust in you."
  • My biggest take-away from Sunday's message?  We have to BEND to LEARN.
  • So much POWER to live the kind of life God wants us to live is available to us.  But we only realize the power of God when we place ourselves under (and keep ourselves under) the authority of God.
  • Leslie is WAY better at writing things (like blog posts) than I am.  If you haven't read her stuff, go HERE.
  • Got to the Annex Saturday and one of the big front windows was smashed out.  "That'll be 460 bucks" say the glass people.  Rolling with it.  Here's the frustrating part, we're moving out of the Annex in nine days.  Timing is everything.
I'm not remotely discouraged by the window thing...or by much of anything, really.  I have WAY too much hope.  In fact, I have plenty of hope to share.  If you need some, call me, or better yet, come to the organizational meeting for our Thanksgiving Outreach tonight at 6:30 PM at the Annex.  And then be amazed on Thanksgiving Day when you see how much hope you get, when you share it with others!  Have a fantastic week.  No small groups this week.  No youth this week.  Lot's of opportunities to by thankful and to serve!

P.S. Don't forget, only ONE BIG SERVICE this coming Sunday at 10:30 AM. 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

PRACTICAL LOVE (on Thanksgiving Day)

Just a few quick thoughts on why I'm eating Thanksgiving dinner outside, under a big tent, in the parking lot of the College Cinema with a bunch of friends, and a whole bunch of people I've never met before:
  1. A couple of years ago (even though I love being with family) I was officially done sitting around a fancy table with fancy dishes and fancy food (getting fatter) in a private celebration, while so many others were doing without.  You don't have to agree with that, just saying that's how I felt.
  2. Knowing how good the experience sitting around a table with 10 people is, I kept thinking how cool it would be to sit around a table with 100 or 1000 other people.  (In fairness, back in the day before I got saved, I always figured if one beer was good, then 12 beers must be really good.  I'm just wired that way).
  3. I never wanted to just "go to church" in the neighborhood in which we're located.  Somehow, I think it's better to "be the church" in the neighborhood in which we're located.
  4. Thanksgiving is a great day to get together with other folks.  Most people are available.  Most people are off work.  Most people are hungry for a good hot meal.  Most people have a sense of what Thanksgiving is all about.  Most people find themselves being thankful for something, even those with the least to be thankful for.  I want to be right where those "most people" are.
  5. It's a great opportunity to reach IN to our community with practical love.
  6. I'm not remotely concerned about "accidentally" giving a free meal to someone who wouldn't go to work if you paid them.
  7. I'm incredibly concerned that the church in general looks completely irrelevant to the community that surrounds Crossroads.  I think we should work to change that perception.
  8. For the past two years, little kids from the neighborhood come to Crossroads on Sunday morning because they know the can get donuts.  I am well aware of the fact that those donuts may be the only thing they some of those children eat that day.
  9. Jesus said to feed hungry people.
  10. Jesus said to be merciful, just like our hevenly Father is merciful.  
Look, this is about more than just giving people "free food".  This is an opportunity to really connect and LOVE our neighbors.  Over the past couple of years we've done a block party for the neighborhood, passed out backpacks to kids going back to school, and provided Christmas stockings for neighborhood children.  This event gives us the opportunity to build on that foundation of service and caring.  My dream is, that in the years to come, those young people growing up in the neighborhood would experience life change as a result of their encounter with Christ followers who are following Christ in word AND deed.  That in the years to come, they would choose to raise their families at Crossroads, and spend their time serving in the very community they grew up in, because they experienced first-hand what a difference it made to them.

Come and serve.  Bring food to the Annex this week from the list.  It will make a HUGE difference in the life of someone else.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Good morning and happy Monday!  Had a great weekend at Crossroads.  Here's a few of the things that stood our from Sunday's service:
  • LOVE seeing and meeting first-time attenders at Crossroads!
  • Many came back for their second or third visit also!
  • Loved worship!  Great job Nic, Caleb and band!
  • Stuck my head in the Children's Annex Sunday.  Always so impressed at the unselfish work done by all the people back there!  Thank you so much for serving God and caring for the children of Crossroads parents!
  • Lobby was electric Sunday morning.  Such great energy as people are meeting, greeting and hanging out.  You can tell it's working when people linger in the lobby instead of running to their cars after service.
  • Baby Dedication Sunday!  What a cool experience getting to see and pray for so many children as their parents stepped up and comitted to raise them to be Christ-followers!  Way to go parents! And way to go church as you comitted to help and support them in their efforts to raise godly kids!
  • Nothing like the local church when the local church is working right, and dedicating children to the Lord as a family of believers is the local church working right!
  • Sunday's message was tough in both services.  It's hard to confront our own personal lack of patience and tendancy to get offended and be unkind to others.  having said that, some of the most patient and kind people I have ever met, I met at Crossroads!  I love that I get to go to church in such an accepting and forgiving environment!
  • Quotable Quote #1 (also descibes Galatians): "We can't.  God can.  So let Him."
  • I am so excited for our Thanksgiving Outreach, I'm about to bust.  But know this: It will not work with your involvement.  We need people to step up, to sign up, to give, to provide food, and to dig in to the awesome opportunity to share our lives and resources with others in our community.  I promise you, it will be an experience you will never forget.  You'll never look at Thanksgiving the same way.
  • Quoteable Quote #2: "Patience is not passively waiting.  that's laziness.  But to keep going when the going is difficult and slow...that is patience".
  • If you're not in a small group, remember that the message doesn't end on Sunday.  You can listen to the podcast and every Tuesday morning download helpful Small Group Resources by going HERE.
  • Quoteable Quote 3: "Since we've decided to be done beating ourselves up for not measuring up, let's also be done beating up other people, too.  One of the ways we demonstrate God's goodness is by not demanding that others live up to standards we ourselves can't live up to."
Have a GREAT week!  Surprise yourself (and someone else) this week by doing the wise thing and overlooking offenses. "A person's wisdom yields patience; it is to one's glory to overlook an offense" (Proverbs 19:11).


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day

Growing up, my father didn't talk much about the war.  Born in 1925, he was the age my second child is now when he boarded a bus in California for basic training at Fort Dix in New Jersey.  My second child.  One of my favorite pictures in the world is of the two of them together on the beach, my father lying peacefully in the sand with my then baby boy snuggling up to him.  It's the last picture I have of them together.

Ninety days after his arrival at Fort Dix, daddy was on big troop ship headed for Southampton on the coast of England.  He would remain there training, preparing, meeting new people, most likely drinking with buddies when he had time off, no doubt missing his baby sister half a world away in his tiny hometown of 2000, and certainly terrified to the core of the unknown battles that lay ahead.  He had good reason to be frightened.  He could not have imagined that a short time later, as part of the Third Army, he'd be packing mortar and machine gun through the frozen forests of Belgium and Germany in the bloodiest battle of World War II.  Some 19,000 teenagers and young men gave their lives for the cause of freedom in the Batle of the Bulge. Over 80,000 wounded, captured or missing.  The wounded included my dad, who took shrapnel in the back from an exploding shell, got stiches and a purple heart, and spent the rest of that Winter marching to Berlin with frostbitten feet.  Daddy could spell and type, so he was recruited to clerk after the war and remained overseas for the duration of the Nueremberg War Crime Trials.  Guess it's not hard to figure why he didn't talk about it much. You can't erase that stuff.

He came back to the States after the trials and got his degree on the GI bill and went to work.  He could work longer and harder, with more dedication to the task at hand, than anyone I've ever known.  In the 60's when me and my brother were kids, daddy didn't like the war in Vietnam.  I think it was a combination of the lack of clarity in the mission, the first-hand awareness of the horror of war, and his fear of seeing us go through what he went through. 

I had my my father's dog tags from World War II when I was a kid.  I lost them.  Serving our country as a scared teenager who became a man through the accelerated aging that accompanies the absolute terror of the battlefield, he lost something too.  They all did.  The men and women of his generation and time weren't kids like we were kids.  They had an inner strength and drive and will to live born of the great struggles of their youth.  They had far more interest in creation than recreation.  To them, work was a privilege.  How could it not be?  How could they not live and serve and work to the absolute fullest when to do otherwise would be to dishonor those who gave everything to preserve that privilege?  Those who would do their greatest work on that cold, bloody battlefield.

There's a reason they call people from my father's generation "The Greatest Generation".  They saved the world.  That's all.  And when they came home, they went to work and built a better world for all of us.  I'm going to do my best to honor that in the only way I know how.  I'm going to work today. 

It's Veteran's Day.  If you're a Veteran, please put your feet up and enjoy some much-deserved rest.  If you're in the company of a Veteran, do all you can to see that they get the most out of today, and every day.  But if you're like me, someone who has the honor and privilege of being an American because other's served, how about joining me in a productive day at work, while the ones who truly deserve it take the day off?

Appreciate your freedom?  Thank a Vet.    

Monday, November 8, 2010


Wonderful weekend at Crossroads!  here's a few quick take-away's:
  • First, Second, Third-time attenders rock!  So glad you came on Sunday!
  • Several made decisions to renew their faith in Christ.  That's what this is all about!
  • Kicked off new series 'FRUITFUL' and dug into Galatians 5.
  • Talked about LOVE and talked about GRACE and talked about being beat-up by Christians who are real into rules, but short on love, joy and peace.
  • And then there's us...We are our own worst critics when it comes to messing up.  Especially when we compare ourselves with others who seem to have the whole "God-thing" down.  We beat US up.  It's as if we're comitted to this: "As bad as you treat me, I'll treat me far worse!"
  • Into that craziness Paul says, "The only thing that really counts is faith expressing itself through love".  (As in 'love your neighbor' love).
  • We talked about Galatians 5:22-23; the fruit of the Spirit and how there's no law against it.
  • Martin Luther said, "There IS a law of course, but it does not apply to those who bear the fruit of the Spirit.  A true Christian does not need any law to warn or restrain him.  As far as he is concerned, there would not have to BE any law".
  • We have to LIVE in LOVE (1 John 4:16)
  • We have to BELIEVE in JOY (1 Peter 1:8-9)
  • We have to TRUST in PEACE (Romans 5:13)
  • My favorite take-away from Sunday: When you start feeling like a "Spiritual Yo-Yo" (up one day down the next, up one moment down the next), remember the acronym "Y.O.Y.O."  It stands for "You're On Your Own".  When we're living the "yo-yo life" it's a sure sign that while we may be trusting God with our FOREVER, we're not trusting Him with our TODAY.    
  • Favorite Quote: "It's not that God can't, it's that we won't let Him!"
  • Let's be done with beating ourselves up.  ML has another suggestion: "Instead, follow the Spirit and resist the flesh.  That is the most we will ever be able to do". (One of the many reasons they labeled him a heretic.  Just sayin', but I like to think ML would find Crossroads a warm and welcome environment where truth is not shadowed by religiosity, but allowed to see the full light of day).
Have a GREAT week!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Good Roots = Good Growth

Freshly ripped from the pages of our Small Group Guide for this week, I want to share this with the whole church.  So if you didn't get the chance to download the SG stuff this week, here's something you missed, that's worth not missing: 

As I studied and prayed and prepared during ‘HEALTHY HABITS’, and later during the 3-week series ‘GHOST’, it became obvious to me that these were not stand-alone series’. The Holy Spirit has completely orchestrated this season that we are in at Crossroads. Healthy Habits led into ROADIES 201 and into our teaching on the Holy Spirit in ‘GHOST’. The season continues in this same vein as we begin a three-part series on the fruit of the spirit with our new series called ‘FRUITFUL’. 

I am more aware than ever of the influence, leading, and guidance of the Holy Spirit and I trust that you are tracking as well. This is a special time in our church and in our lives. If you have noticed, there have been many changes in our congregation over the past six months. So many new faces, it’s as if we have an entirely new church! Perry Noble has said, “Numerical church growth is cyclical. It ebbs and flows in cycles. There’s a time for ‘fruit’ and a time for ‘root’”. If ‘fruit’ are the periods of numerical growth, as exciting as they are, then this time of ‘root’ is all the more precious and important. That is why the Holy Spirit is leading us in our current stream of teaching, so that we may “rooted and grounded in love” (Ephesians 3:17). 

I am reminded of Paul’s letter to the church at Rome, who he longed to be with, but was prevented time and again from seeing. He wrote, “I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you – that is that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine” (Romans 1:11, ESV). The word ‘strengthen’ means “established, or made firm, or stable, or constant”. I believe during this season of “root” that God is strengthening us, establishing us, making us stable and constant through the teaching of the Holy Spirit. And just as my faith encourages you, remember also that there is no greater encouragement that I could ever receive than seeing you grow stronger in the Lord. We encourage one another! 

So dig in. Get everything that God has for you, for your family, and for your life during this time! A season of significant numerical growth is coming again at Crossroads. Use this time wisely to prepare, so that YOU, strengthened, emboldened and empowered by the Holy Spirit might be “witnesses” to those God will send (to your life and to our church) in the months to come!


Monday, November 1, 2010

WEEKEND UPDATE (Halloween 2010)

Great day Sunday at Crossroads!!  Here's just a few of the things I noticed:
  • Lots of people in costume on Sunday.  Too much fun!  Why wait for Reformation Day to dress up?  That was awesome!
  • Some of my favorites: Nic & Janna as Ricky and Lucy; Will as Dwight Shrute (looked EXACTLY like him); Tyler as "Ash" Williams from Evil Dead (complete with prosthetic chainsaw hand); Natalie replete with stiches and facial bruises as boxer "Lights Out" Lurie; Cory Shelton as Frodo Baggins; Rachel as Minnie Mouse; and a purposely unshaven, slovenly Todd Waggerman in a costume that left the good taste barrier smoldering in the rear view mirror - something resembling a homeless winged fairy with tu-tu and pink bedroom slippers.  LOVE the fact that all of you felt completely comfortable dressing like that for church!  Waggerman, you really need some professional help! Hahaha!
  • I wanted to dress in costume, but I thought it would be so offensive, and distracting I decided not to.  Will Lurie, however, did prepare a picture of what I was going for.  It's at the bottom of this post.
  • While all of that was fun, it was the least important thing that happened Sunday.
  • ROADIES 201 finished Sunday!  So proud of all who dug in, showed up, and got the most from their Sunday mornings for the last month!  Way to go guys, and way to go Pastor Matt and Pastor Ben for doing a GREAT job teaching the class!
  • Sunday we also finished our series 'GHOST' as we took head-on some misconceptions about the Holy Spirit and provided some insight into developing a close intimate relationship with Him.
  • It's possible I stepped on some toes Sunday.  If you were offended in any way, pray for me.
  • God's LOVE drives everything the Holy Spirit does!
  • The Holy Spirit came to connect followers of Christ to the POWER and the PRESENCE of God so we can be WITNESSES of the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
  • The Holy Spirit desires an INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP with us so He may LEAD us and GUIDE us and COUNSEL us and COMFORT us and TEACH us and CORRECT us and CONVICT us and ENCOURAGE us and EMPOWER us and SANCTIFY us and SEAL us and STRENGTHEN us and work IN us and THROUGH us so we might DO God's will!!!
  • Paul told the church at Corinth "knowledge puffs up, but LOVE builds up".
  • Maybe you've walked into (or out of) a church service where people were running around, rolling on the floor and all praying in tongues and the same time.  Confusion.  Not edifying.  Doesn't BUILD up.  Seems puffed up, or maybe even MADE up.  That's NOT the Holy Spirit's fault!
  • I believe in MIRACLES! (But God-made ones, not man-made ones).
  • "The Holy Spirit works to glorify Christ, but many who emphasize the Holy Spirit seem to draw attention to themselves". - Francis Chan.  Agreed (see TBN...or don't).
  • 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 is so powerful!  Paul redirects the focus of the church at Corinth (and any other church that will listen) from supernatural gift to L-O-V-E.
  • After we "did the numbers" digging through Scripture from top to bottom" we found 17 Scriptures about tongues and 1489 Scriptures about "fruit".
  • Yes, I pray in the Spirit every day, but in my room with the door closed (Matthew 6:5-9)
  • I submit the overwhelming evidence of the IN-FILLING of the Holy Spirit is the FRUIT of the Spirit in operation in our lives, not the GIFTS of the Spirit.
  • The gifts of the spirit are unquestionably important, but we are most like Christ when we live in a way that the FRUIT of the SPIRIT is evident on our lives!
  • It is in being FRUITFUL that we become like Christ in His love! 
Have a GREAT week!  Enjoy your Small Group!  Here's my questionable costume choice: