Sunday, September 20, 2009


Hey guys, another great day at Crossroads this morning doing Part Two of HOME IMPROVEMENT! Love serving and worshipping God together with this wonderful community. Each week believers and seekers alike gather together in a safe place to fellowship with one another, to raise our voices in worship and praise, and to hear the beautiful message of God's overwhelming love for all of us. Along the way we are challenged to raise the level of our personal game, learning to live our lives according to biblical principles and values. What a great life!

This week I asked several people what the first thing that came to their mind was when I asked the question: "What was your favorite thing about Crossroads this morning?" Here's what they said:
  1. Will: "Second time attenders!"
  2. Natalie: "Worship! I was desperate for some good worship...and GOT it!"
  3. Chris: "Tool Time - the application of the message".
  4. Jessie: "The cool stage lighting!"
  5. Leslie: "How long people stayed in the lobby after service. Love seeing friendships growing."
  6. Rebecca: "Original music in praise and worship!"
  7. Max: "The music was great and the message was fantastic!"
  8. Matt: "We tested the new nursery/pre-school pager system and it worked great!"
  9. Hollie: "Getting to smash a raw egg on my husbands head (in children's church), and watching him try to wash it off his head with hand sanitizer."
  10. Jacob: "Just being there".
  11. Sam: "The stage lights were pretty (Ooooh!)".
  12. Howard: "Making connections with new people".
  13. Angela: "Tool Time: Unpacking the tool kit (the application part of the message)".
  14. Me (I get two things 'cause it's my Blog): ONE: So many new faces at Crossroads. It's GREAT to be growing each week and seeing people GROW in their faith. TWO: Loved the new, unmanned 'Next Steps' table in the lobby equipped with free resources for people to take, like Bibles, Next Steps brochures, and copies of Andy Stanley's 'How Good Is Good Enough'. We gave away eight new Bibles this morning to people that didn't have them! Now that is cool.
Folks, it's a privilege for Leslie and I to serve you and serve God with you. I can't imagine anything better than getting to DO LIFE TOGETHER with the people that God has brought to Crossroads. Love you guys! Have a GREAT week and remember the application from Sunday's service: Before you open your mouth and say that thing you really want to say, give it the 3-Way Test.

Ask yourself:
1. Is it TRUE?
3. Is it KIND?
If you can't answer "Yes" to ALL three...just don't say it!
