Thursday, September 17, 2009


Wow. Can I just say how much I don't like having someone drill into my teeth? Even with the novocaine and the laughing gas (which I quit after I could no longer tell the difference between my body and the chair I was sitting in), it still hurt like, like someone drilling into your teeth! Not good. Not natural. Seems wrong somehow. My fault, though no doubt about it. Not the first time either. Should have taken better care of my teeth...especially in the back. Anyone ever been through that? Sux, don't it?

But here's the really cool part. My dentist is the genuine article; a Christ-follower who loves people. I mean really loves them. I've seen him twice. Both times we talked about God and how much God loves people. Both times, he told me how good it is to share Christ with others. Both times he was singing when he came to my chair, and he made me feel as though I was the most important part of his day.

I knew something of his life before I met him. He is a man who has suffered unthinkable tragedy in his life. But through it all his faith remains strong. And I see compassion for the suffering of others in his eyes.

It was the best time I ever had while sharp metal objects were stuck into my jaw. Need a great dentist? Call me.

P.S. Not actual photograph of my experience. LOL!