Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Made Alive

This Sunday we start a new series at Crossroads called THE LIVING DEAD. I'm really excited about it! We'll be talking about ZOMBIES and God's grace, and what it means to be dead in sin, and how God made us ALIVE through faith in Jesus Christ.

Now look, I'm assuming a lot here. My first assumption is...that you have a sense of humor. No, we're not promoting ZOMBIES as a lifestyle or a coming reality you need to be on guard against. Can you say "metaphor"? Go ahead. Let's all say it together. "Me-ta-phor". Good. Now you're ready.

Okay, why ZOMBIES? It's easy. Zombies are dead. Well, not really. Actually, they are UNDEAD. In other words they're not physically dead, just sort of mentally, emotionally and most of all spiritually dead. As a result, they walk around like they're actually alive (eating people's brains...yum!), but in fact, they are not alive. Really, they're not truly dead OR alive. And they're real hard to kill. Worse...they're contagious. They infect other people and turn them into ZOMBIES. Bad, huh?

What's the point? See, at the beginning of Ephesians Chapter 2, the Apostle Paul talks about us once being dead, too. He says we were dead because of our disobedience and many sins. Here's THREE things I know to be true:
  1. Before we had faith in Jesus Christ, we WERE dead (spiritually).
  2. People who have not trusted Christ, ARE dead (spiritually).
Now, here's the BIG NUMBER THREE: 3. Some people (including ME and YOU, despite our faith in Christ) sometimes ACT like they are STILL dead. Why??? And what do we do about it??? Well, that's what we'll be talking about in October. Want a few highlights?
  1. The roll-in for this series is probably the best one Will Lurie has created.
  2. We're resurrecting Audio Adrenaline's great song, "Some Kind Of Zombie".
  3. I'll be interviewing a ZOMBIE live (dead?) on stage this Sunday.
  4. Natalie will share with us 'How to Survive a Zombie Attack'.
  5. We'll learn HOW we're MADE ALIVE in CHRIST and what it means to walk in NEWNESS OF LIFE!
  6. We'll be BAPTIZING people on Sunday, October 18th!!!
Don't miss a week of this new original series from Crossroads! It's going to be 'ZOMBIE-licious'! Bring a friend, or a ZOMBIE...or a friend's ZOMBIE. Hey, better yet? Bring someone who thinks they DON'T LIKE CHURCH. 'Cause maybe if they don't like church, they still like friendly people, good music, cool visuals, and relevant teaching...or maybe they just like ZOMBIES! Either way, just get them to Crossroads on Sunday and let God work out the rest. See you soon! Oh, and if I were you...I'd keep a baseball bat or a chain saw by the bed. Just sayin'.