Monday, June 15, 2009


Until someone comes up with a better title for this regular blog post that doesn't have the word 'poop' in it (not that I didn't appreciate all the input...infants), welcome to WEEKEND UPDATE.  Here's a few highlights from this weekend:
  1. A dozen first-time attenders Sunday morning, who all said they enjoyed the service and would be back!
  2. Several people - who filled out comm cards - rededicated their lives to Christ!
  3. Attendance is strong.  I mean, we're less than a year from launch, schools been out for a month, a ton of peeps are on vacation, a bunch were out sick.  Crossroads is strongly attended and growing and I'm digging it.  How 'bout you?
  4. Kudos, props, thank you's, and bless you's to the Roadies who stepped up and gave big last week and yesterday!  God is using your love for Him, and your faithfulness and generosity to change lives forever.
  5. Janna sang her face off yesterday!  Way to bring it.
  6. Children's ministry gets seriously high marks for bringing in a high quality service with less than half their regular forces.  Great job.
  7. We were the only church in Alabama with blue donuts.  I don't know what that means, but I know it's true.
  8. It was a kick breaking out of our usual patterns, turning on the work lights, and walking through the crowd sharing scripture.  Look for it every few months.  It was really good for all of us.
  9. No one who was in the service will ever forget the image of Sam running up the aisle screaming like a girl when they read James 4:7.
  10. I almost fell - embarrassingly - flat on my face, tripping over something I was TOLD, specifically, was on the floor in front of the stage.  That was actually closer than anyone knows.  Ha, ha!
I am tired this morning from staying up too late watching sports after an already draining day.  But I will never forget yesterday's service or the week that led up to it.  I trust that our series 'EPIC' was useful to many (I know it was life changing for me).  God changed things forever at Crossroads during the past week.  We broke through spiritual, emotional, and financial barriers as leaders and together as a group of believers.

Next week, a one-off service called 'Masterpiece" on Sunday morning will be followed up on Sunday night at the Annex with Hot Blues & BBQ.  Can't wait.  Look for an email blast this week with all the details.  Next Sunday night would be a GREAT time to invite the hard case that won't come to Crossroads on Sunday morning.

One last thing.  Here's why Crossroads is growing, and will continue to grow in Christ:  God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made him head over all things for the benefit of the church.  And the church is his body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with himself.  Eph 1:22-23. NLT  



  1. yay!! I know personally, Highlight #7 really touched my heart in a unique way. *sniff* I luv the blue ones!

  2. How about just titling the blog "Monday"? Then all you're bound to is the day you complete it. Though even that is debatable; you can eat a sundae any day of the week. Though then you'd have to call it "Mondae".


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