Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dangerous Prayers

I've been following some tweets of a friend of mind, and it brought to my mind some dangerous prayers.  I remember 20-odd years ago attending a service at big church plant in Colorado Springs.  Leslie and I were pretty new to the whole following Christ proposition, but we were truly committed to life change; to living clean & sober, committed to each other, and we we're committed to the God who had brought us out of darkness and into light.  We also believed that every word in the Bible was true, and was applicable to us.  

So it followed that whenever we went to church, and the preacher shared from the Bible, we believed what was spoken to us.  Now, we were not ignorant - you couldn't just tell us anything and get away with it - if we were to believe that what you were saying was true, it had to have scriptural foundation supporting it.

So...if you showed us something from the word that we needed to do, or something we needed to PRAY...we had decision to make: Would we do it and/or pray it?  Or would we ignore it and pack it away for another time?  I will freely admit to you that when it comes to DOING everything that I know I should do because it's Bible, I haven't always done it.  (I know...try to contain your shock at this stunning revelation).  But here's the funny part: I ALWAYS prayed the prayer!

So (and yes, I realize I just started three paragraphs in a row with the coordinating conjunction 'so', but that's just me breaking rules), we were in this big church and the pastor is talking about how at the end of our race (life), we're going to stand before God (the judgment seat of Christ), and our WORKS - not our SIN - is going to be judged. As in, "God's not going to judge us for our sin if we've repented and received the forgiveness that comes through Christ's  atoning sacrifice"...BUT...our WORKS are going to be judged...or TRIED, and there's a reward associated with that.  The pastor gave the illustration of God throwing something like a handful of holy napalm on our personal pile of works and looking to see if anything remained after all the wood, hay and stubble was reduced to ashes.  (BTW, there's scripture for all of this - but you know that, and probably know where to find it if you're still reading this homage to verbosity).

So (You got me...that's number four.  Actually, starting four paragraphs in a row with 'so', is a misdemeanor in New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, and parts of Massachusetts), the pastor goes on along this line for about a half an hour, and I swear I KNEW what was coming. He was going to invite us to ask God to TRY OUR WORKS THIS lifetime.  So like a dummy - thinking it was a one-time deal - I prayed it.  And God has been trying (testing, examining, probing, blowing up, burning down) my works ever since.  My on-going prayer in that on-going process is this: "God, I pray that as You try my works, something remains that You can use".  

What's the most dangerous prayer you've ever prayed?  Here one I'm fond of, " whatever it takes".  Have you ever prayed a prayer like that...and lied it?  

Mouth off.  Talk to me.  Peace.



  1. Well, kinda along this line is something that I have learned NOT to do. Dont ever say out loud that you DONT wanna do something pertaining to ministry. Everytime I do that, THAT is exactly what God has me do..i.e. childrens ministry. I absolutely LOVE it now, but if you would've told me 5yrs ago that I would be childrens pastoring I would of laughed in your face and told you that you're crazy. I have also heard so many people say, "Don't pray for patience, cause God will put you into situations that cause you to have to use it." What kinda dodo is that!? I mean, you cant grow in an area if your never tested in it, right? Anywho, (back to the question at hand), I think that a dangerous prayer that I pray over and over again is "Not my will, but thy will". I see it as dangerous because if you say that, then you actually have to mean it! Its hard to "die daily" and put aside the things that I THINK I NEED. It means constantly listening to that still small voice and taking those steps of faith that only HE can lay out before us. Sometimes they are GIANT steps, and I dont always feel sturdy when I take them...but if I am truly following HIS will, then I know they are covered by Him.

  2. Oh Man, that is so funny!! I have prayed that prayer (do whatever it takes) before, for loved ones and have literally cringed as I prayed it. Sometimes I would think nooo! I take it back, I didn't mean it.

  3. (PSALM 7:9-12)
    9 O let the evil of the wicked come to an end, but establish the righteous; For the righteous God tries the hearts and minds.
    10 My shield is with God, Who saves the upright in heart.
    11 God is a righteous judge, And a God who has indignation every day.
    12 If a man does not repent, He will sharpen His sword; He has bent His bow and made it ready.

    Yep it's a scary prayer. But God's grace is infinite. Amazing Grace! Think about the fact that He gave His Son as a gift to us just because He knew we couldn't make it on our own. Now that's love. His blood makes us as white as snow. but if you want to really be used by God. Pray for patience, and ask him to try (test or examine) your heart.

    I've prayed that "do whatever it takes," before, but I always follow it up with, "but please be gracious", and I pray that It wont take something tragic to change my heart. It's scary b/c I know my heart. I know where its been. and how I tend to lack faith. So I guess a good prayer to follow would be "please give me faith." Great post.

  4. here's one I've prayed: "break me, God. break me down until all the remains is what pleases you."
    sadly that's not much. so, that prayer, when answered usually leaves me a tiny shriveled blip of a man. LOL!

    also asking God to strength a fruit of the spirit in your life is terrifying. ie- give me patience. give me courage, give me LONG-SUFFERING! ha! that one's really scary!!

  5. Not too long ago I prayed that God would teach me what it means to be truly humble. I can be dangerous to pray things like that, but it's well worth it if you're willing to bear the pain of having your ego crushed. God seems to work situations out in just the right way to answer your prayer. If you want to be taught, God is willing to teach you.


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