Wednesday, April 6, 2011

POWER UP (Your Smart Phone In Church)!

Though there's no scientific research to support this, I'm pretty sure the average age of the Crossroads attender is somewhere between 25 and 30.  Which is also (and, again I have no data to support this, I'm just guessing) the age group representing the largest purchasing block of smart phone users AND the largest group of people with active Facebook accounts.  I said all that to say, if you attend Crossroads, chances are good that you have two very important things: a Facebook account and some sort of smart phone. can we leverage that?  

Statistics (which I do not have, but if I did would probably) indicate that you, with your smart phone, typically update your Facebook status at least three-times a week.  (Some of you do it a WAY more than that, and that's AWESOME!).

With your smart phone and your Facebook account, you tell people all over the world about your day, your job, your dog, your politics, your purchases, and what your mother did to make you mad.  You post pictures and videos, you play Farmland and Mafia Wars, and through all of that the biggest thing you do is use your smart phone and your Facebook account to communicate what's going on in YOUR world with THE PEOPLE in your world.'s what I suggest you do with your smart phone the very next (and every) time you come to Crossroads and walk in the auditorium: POWER UP and let the people in your WORLD know what's going on in your CHURCH.  How do you do that?  Simple, just like you'd do any other Facebook status update.  Take a picture.  Post it.  Hear a scripture.  Post it.  Hear something that makes you go, "Hmm...that's good".  Post it.  Love worship?  Talk about it.  Something good happen?  Put it on your wall.  Learn something useful.  Let your world know.  Experience God?  Share it on Facebook on Sunday morning.  

What would it be like if we extended the reach of our Sunday service to the Facebook account of every smart phone-user at Crossroads?  For starters:  If just twenty of you did it next Sunday, and you had an average of 250 facebook friends, we just increased the footprint of the gospel by 5,000 people!  The sky's the limit from there.  So the next time you come to Crossroads, turn your smart phone ON, and turn up the volume and the reach of the Gospel! (Just make sure your phone's on vibrate).

Look for MANY MORE opportunities to come to use electronic cabability and social media to enrich your Crossroads worship experience!

(P.S. Twitter users #fb your posts or set your Facebook account to allow status updates from your twitter account.)


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