Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Letter To Our Awesome Small Group Leaders

Hey Guys!  I want to take a minute to let you all know what I think: Crossroads has FANTASTIC Small Group Leaders!  That's not a suck-up statement.  It is something proven on a regular basis as I hear the amazing life-change stories coming out of your small groups.

So, in order to serve you better as you lead, we will be providing you with some NEW RESOURCES by way of video and email blast.  These resources are designed to help you keep the people in your small groups up to speed on everything going on at Crossroads.  Here's what you'll be receiving:
  1. A weekly recap of all the relevant numbers from each Sunday service (from attendance to offerings to decisions) along with and great commentary from Crossroads attenders to encourage you, and keep you and your small group informed;
  2. A list of service opportunities within the church so you know exactly where to point your small group members who are ready to serve;
  3. A list of service ideas in our community (and across the world) to help you decide how your small group will reach out as a group and serve the world around you.
Additionally, we are working on a new in-house curriculum for a recurring 8-week long small group experience called DRIVE.  DRIVE is a video-based small group study, complete with simple workbooks, that will be the first Small Group stop for people who are new to Crossroads.  Designed to propel people forward in their spiritual journey, DRIVE will be a game-changer for small group leaders and participants alike! 

Look for these new resources, and always remember: your feedback is important and welcomed!  Keep up the GREAT work!


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