Wednesday, September 8, 2010


The Apostle Paul wrote to the church at Philippi telling them that he was praying for them, "confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion..."  I think Paul wanted us to trust that as we took steps as followers of Christ, God would work with us, in us and through us to accomplish His great purpose for the world, and for each of us individually.  It's as if we are simply a "work-in-progress"; under construction, if you will.

If you're anything like me, there are probably times (sometimes many times) where you feel you haven't made a great deal of progress in an area of your life.  Whether it's developing a deeper relationship with God, overcoming self-esteem issues, or desiring to live a healthier lifestyle physically, we all fall short at times of our desires and expectations.  Our minds often see change as the exception for us, rather than the rule to live by.  Not surprisingly, that viewpoint can short-circuit our own attempts to make positive changes in our lives.  After a host of failed attempts, we often give up assuming that change is simply not within our grasp.

But it is!  In fact, the hallmark of a follower of Christ isn't more bible knowledge, or steadier church attendance, or a desire to make covered dish casseroles for the church picnic.  the hallmark of a follower of Christ is a CHANGED LIFE.  That's why we always say that INFORMATION without TRANSFORMATION is meaningless.  Because God cares about you and me changing.  His desire for us is that we would grow to be complete.

Paul writes later telling the Philippian church to, "Work hard to show the results of your salvation...".  And he let them know they weren't working alone when he said, "God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him".  We're not in this thing alone.  We have a part and God has a part.  And if we'll do our part, He'll do His...and then some!

This Sunday at Crossroads we're kicking off a new original series called HEALTHY HABITS, where we'll take the idea of growing and changing head on, and we'll look at what it means and what it takes to develop the kind of lifestyle God desires for us to live.  And we'll start it all with this understanding: None of us are where we want to be, but if we'll apply ourselves, we will see positive change in our lives! 

Healthy Habits for your HEART and your MIND and your BODY.  Can't wait to see you there!


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