Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's Not Rocket Science

Albert Einstein said, "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough".  From the beginning, what Crossroads is all about, is simple enough for everyone to understand. 

Crossroads exists to CONNECT people:
  To GOD.

And when we do that, people experience LIFE CHANGE.  And when people experience LIFE CHANGE they actually change the WORLD.  Now, we could make it more complicated than that.  But I promise, we never ever will.  Even though, at times, people have asked us to make it more complicated than that.  To be honest, some have even left because we refused to make it more complicated than that.  But many, many more have come, and served, and learned, and stayed, and have grown, and have actually changed the world, simply because it isn't more complicated than that.

If you could only do a few things with your life in your time here on this planet, shouldn't changing the world be one of the most important things on YOUR list?  This Sunday morning at 9:00 AM in Cinema Three, come and attend ROADIES 101.  It's a one-hour class about the simple things that make Crossroads what it is.  Then attend the 10:30 AM service in Cinema One.  We're starting a new series called "I LOVE MY CHURCH".  I can't think of a better way to change the world.  Will you join me?

I promise, it's not rocket science.

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