Saturday, March 27, 2010

I Hear You

Thank you for the great response to my question yesterday!  It's a privilege to communicate through this Blog and I will definitely continue to do so.  A couple of years ago when I first started doing it, linking to facebook wasn't a legitimate option.  Once you could, I did.  And it seems like the overwhelming majority of Intersection readers read it on facebook.  Awesome!  Also, many of you subscribe to a direct email, or an RSS feed.  As it turns out, readership has increased, not decreased.  A fact I would not have known relying solely on sitemeter which only tracks actual blog visits.  Goodbye sitemeter.

Thanks for letting me know where you read the Intersection, and for all your encouraging comments!  I'll keep moving forward here, trusting that whether you read the blog itself or you receive the posts via email, facebook, or RSS feed it's helpful and you want it. Done.  I hear you!

1 comment:

  1. Pete here. Just wanted to let you know I receive your blog in my email and read every one. I enjoy it very much. Keep it up!


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