Friday, March 26, 2010

Hello? Is Anybody There?

I've been grinding out about three to four (sometimes less) blog posts every week since February of 2008.  Some are informative, some are entertaining, some are provocative, some are controversial, some are insightful, some are brilliant, and some are just plain better left unread, but ALL take time and effort (even the bad ones).  If you want to read some or all of them, you'll find them all available to you in the column to the right, down close to the bottom.  

That's 231 posts in 2008, 188 posts in 2009, and 42 posts so far in 2010.  Last year in March, I had over 1400 visits to the blog.  But over the past several months, my daily readership tracked by sitemeter has fallen from an average of over 250 visits a week to around 80.  So I have a few questions to help me understand the metrics better, and I'm really hoping you'll respond, either by comment here or on facebook:
  1. Is this Blog helpful to you?
  2. How often to you read it? (every day, few days, once a week, month?)
  3. Do you read it on facebook, on my site, or get it by email?
I want to continue this if it is bearing fruit in your life.  God knows, the world doesn't need another Blog, but I don't do it for the world, I do it for those who attend Crossroads, and those whose lives are impacted by the ministry at Crossroads who do not attend.  Trust me, it is the farthest thing from an exercise in vanity.  I just want to get some feedback so I know it's not an exercise in futility.  Speak up.  Thanks.  


  1. I read and enjoy your blog whenever you post a new entry via twitter. I check twitter daily and when I see a link to a new blog I come on over and check it out. I get a lot out of it and appreciate the effort.

  2. 1. yes, I would say it is, it let's me know kinda what we are thinking, where we are heading, that kinda thing.

    2. only when I am alerted to an update via my rss feed in safari, or on twitter

    3. I visit the actual site to read.

  3. 1. I wouldn't know, Sry I don't read it. Unless Chris speaks highly about a blog then I'll read one.
    2. Rarely, I have a computer but I don't use it to read blogs, just organize my busy life.
    3. umm, I have you on my rss feeds.....sry but I don't read it.


  4. Pastor Gene I get blog updates via email, twitter, and Facebook. Whichever media I'm on when I first see the update is where I read it. So only when it's twitter will I show up as a site visit. I enjoy reading your blog posts and have shared them, especially the humorous ones, with coworkers and friends that do not attend Crossroads. Becki and I both read your updates, so your work is not going unread in this home. Hope this gives you the kind of feedback you're looking for.


  5. I read yor blog whenever you post on Twitter. And I like to read them, it's like looking into the hidden processes that Crossroads has to go through. It's importanant for Roadies to know these things!


  6. Keep writing brother. I've noticed that most people read my blog on Facebook. The same is probably happening with your blog. You have too many important things to say to quit, so keep writing. And, let me know when you want to come back and speak at CR, and bring the Crossroads praise team and Roadies with you.
    God bless,

  7. I always read it because Im your favorite. LOL!!! JUST KIDDING...(about the favorite part). I love reading the makes me feel more connected to whats going on. I usually share it on Facebook, and I know that lots of peeps read it on there. Does that not count on the site meter? In any case, keep on writing...

  8. I get the Blog in an email. I read it and am interested in seeing it continue. It's good to hear how things are going in the Church from the Pastors perspective. I've been in many circumstances where the Pastor seems dis-connected from him peeps (Sheeps) this also helps us stay connected to you. Thanks, I agree, write on brother.

  9. Hi Gene! I get your blog right in my email inbox and read it there. Is it possible many people view the blog in email format or on Twitter, therefore the hits on your actual site have gone down, but just as many or
    more people are reading it if you count the other ways they may be viewing it?

    I find your blogs insightful at best, and entertaining at least! Ha! :)


  10. Dude I so read your blogs because it helps me stay connected being so far away! Seeing the pictures and hearing about all the things happening sometimes is the only bright spot of my day! With all that you have going on feedback is crucial to what is and what isn't working, I read a portion of your blog on FB then read the rest from the actual site! Dude keep it coming, it is a matter of where people read it and not that they aren't reading it! I love you bro, talk soon and miss you guys,


  11. Hi Gene!

    1. Is this Blog helpful to you? A resounding YES! You have a great way with words and I enjoy your blogs immensely as they are passionate, funny, and yes, brilliant! They make me feel like I am part of Crossroads even though I am over here in SC!

    2. How often to you read it? (every day, few days, once a week, month?) I read every week, my Mom inundates my inbox with forwards so I have to use the search tool for The Intersection emails so I don't miss one! I also share them with her and some friends via forwarding!

    3. Do you read it on facebook, on my site, or get it by email? By email, we're FB buddies as well but I don't get on FB much!

    Please don't stop blogging!

    Love to you, Les, and the fam!


  12. Pastor Gene,

    I read all your entries via e-mail and seldom go to the blog site. Your writings help me stay connected with your thoughts and direction throughout the week. It has been a good reminder in the middle of a busy week of where (or whom) we should be focusing. Thank you for all you do.



Your comments are welcome. Please keep them on point. Offensive comments, or those with a bent towards personal attack will not be published, and the commentator will be flogged.