Sunday, March 16, 2008

"Floor it man, we're almost there!"

We had a fantastic (if completely exhausting trip) to Ocala on Saturday.  For you brave souls who made the trip, I have an update.  Our 80 year-old bus driver will be just fine.  The mild coronary he suffered at mile marker 162, only served to make him meaner than he was when we started the trip.

All kidding aside - but just for a minute - I really appreciate all of you who gave up an entire day and night to visit The Springs.  I hope you caught some of the vision of a place that has grown from 21 people in a basement, to a 3000-member church getting ready to construct a new facility on 67 acres. 

For me, the heart of the Springs success is not their size, or how cool their church is, or how much technical gadgetry they use.  The heart of their success is that over 60% of that 3000-member congregation made a decision for Christ at The Springs.  Now that's success!

For those that could not make the trip with us, I know you were with us in spirit.  And I promise you I thought of each and every one of you several times during the trip.  First, when we left our house in Enterprise, I was so overwhelmed at how quickly we outgrew our home in the "media room".  Later, as we were so warmly greeted by a caring and helpful team of volunteers at The Springs, I was struck by how much their spirit of excitement and anticipation mirrored that of our Launch Team.  And finally, as I labored through the late night haul home to keep our octogenarian bus driver awake, I though how important it was for all of us to return in one piece, so we can worship together again.  (I know it sounds silly, but I really didn't have a great deal of faith that our bus driver would live through the trip home - refer to my previous blog "Who's In Charge Here?")

As we prepare the Annex for our first service there on Easter Sunday I encourage you to reach into your world with the love of God that has been placed in each of you through Christ and invite someone.  At it's core, that is the mission of Crossroads.  Let's pray throughout the week that each and every time we gather together we do a little more damage to the kingdom of darkness, and we bring a little more light into the world.  Pray this week for a successful service that ADDS to the kingdom of God in the earth!  Pray also for those who labor to get the Annex ready, and hey - if you're not doing anything this week - come on down and grab a paintbrush.  Many hands make light work.

I missed you all SO MUCH on Sunday.  I can't wait for us to be together again in God's presence to celebrate everything He is doing right here in Enterprise!  Have a great week!       

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gene and Leslie,

    Sounds like all is coming together for your first Annex service and you have a great vision. This is awesome and you all will make an amazing pastoral team. Stay encouraged, we send our prayers and blessings forward, you are truly invovled in God's work. Have a great week, In Him, Chris Roney


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