Monday, March 24, 2008

With God, All Things Are Possible!

What an awesome, inspiring day yesterday was!  Resurrection Sunday, and what better way to celebrate than joining together with old friends and new friends at the very first service at our new facility, Crossroads Annex!  Sixty-three people came to celebrate with us, twenty-one of them for the very first time.  We are fast reaching the 100 mark we're looking for to really launch out!

I remember very clearly on Thursday morning last week, unlocking the doors to the building we leased just a few short weeks ago.  I sat in the middle of the main meeting area and looked around at what a complete shambles the place was in.  Absolutely NOTHING was close to being finished. I had started everything...and finished nothing.  I was sitting there (feeling sorry for myself...kind of weepy and mopey...and, alright I was boo-hooing a good bit) and I just cried out to God.  I said, "Lord, if You are truly in this then You gotta' get me some help!  I can't do this alone.  But we have to have a service in here Sunday morning, so something has to give!"  And He spoke to my heart in that instant.  Not words like, "Oh poor Gene, all of this is going to be okay.  I know how hard you've worked and how dedicated you are to Me".  Nothing like that.  I really sensed the Spirit of the Lord speak to my heart saying, "Get up!  Gird up you loins!  Man up you sad-sack, and get back to work!"  Thank you for those comforting words Father...

From Thursday night until our Sunday Easter service began, you could barely move in the Annex for all the help that was there working to make our facility a showplace.  We had more help than work to do.  People that don't even GO to Crossroads spent endless hours there giving of themselves - time, money, strength, energy.  It was humbling in every respect, and I am so very grateful to everyone for everything they did.

You should just SEE this place!!!  It's incredible.  And it will serve us well in the weeks, months and years to come.  But the best part of that Thursday to Sunday press, was seeing relationships develop between people that really weren't all that connected before.  I had the privilege of spending time, forging new relationships in the pressure of the work that had to be done.  There is no greater way to learn about people, and grow closer to people, than working together in the service of God.

This morning I think about all of you "Roadies" that have sacrificed for this mission of reaching our community with the love and compassion of Christ, and I am overwhelmed again.  This time, not overwhelmed with the work left undone - but overwhelmed by God's always amazing provision!  I can't wait to see you all again.

You've completely captured my heart.

Friends, God did it again, and we got to see it!  He made the impossible possible - right there in our midst at the Crossroads Annex!  And he used us ALL to do it!      


  1. Wow! All of your blogs are AMAZING! I'm glad your service all came together. The Annex looks amazing. I miss you guys & hope to see you soon. -Rayne

  2. Thanks so much Rayne! Be sure to check out the Online Messages on our website. Miss you, too, and hope to see you soon!!

  3. I was absolutely over-whelmed Sunday as well. It was so awesome to sit there and see everything we had talked about and planned just unfold right before our eyes! I can't tell you what it meant to me for you to call and share some encouraging words when I needed them most. It was just the reminder I needed, at just the right time! I can't wait to see what will happen next! I love you guys so much!!


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