Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Here's What's Happening...

Great day this past Sunday as we shared Part 2 of our current series Game Plan.  Again, TONS of first-time attenders!  I talk to people in the ministry all the time.  People like church planters and pastors, and they will tell you that averaging 15 to 20 first-time attenders a week, in a church our size, in a town our size is just something that is not normal.  I shared with many of you some months ago, that I really sensed that a wave of growth was coming in the Fall for Crossroads, and I think we are seeing the pre-cursor of that wave finally hit the shore.  I really believe that God is up to something big on the earth, and in our community, and the truly remarkable thing is, He has invited you and I to participate in it.

With that invitation though comes a responsibility, and it's a respinsibility not to be taken lightly.  It's as if God - as He is doing in many, many churches around the world - has passed the baton to Crossroads, and He's saying, "Look, I'm putting this in your hands.  Don't drop it.  It's precious and it's important".  We need to know that God has invited us to play a significant role in what He is up to, and we have to ask ourselves, "Are we up for what He is up to?"  It's gut-check time.  We must grasp the reality that for you and me perhaps the most significant thing we do, not in the church but with our lives, is to care for His church, to nurture it and help it grow, so that we might hand it off healthy to the next generation.  I am up for it.  How about you?

This coming Sunday is probably the single most important service we've ever had at Crossroads.  Please make every effort to be there.  If you are up for what God is up to, you do not want to miss this coming Sunday.  We're halfway through our series Game Plan, and it's the perfect moment (halftime) to head for the locker room and get the game plan for the second half of the game.  Every time we take the field in life, we have a choice.  We can choose to finish each play strong, or we can choose to let up and let others take responsibility for covering our assignment.  But as we choose, we're wise if we understand that finishing each play is ultimately the only way to win the game.

Yeah, yeah, I like football, okay?  I dig sports metaphors.  And the reason I do is because what happens on the field of play so accurately depicts the reality of many of the struggles and challenges we face in life.  In closing, I offer this absolutely rock solid promise to you: this Sunday's service at Crossroads will be completely unlike anything you have ever experienced here before.  Be here, as we dig in to learning more about God's game plan for our lives. 

Come with the expectation that God will speak to your heart.  See you Sunday.


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