Wednesday, February 9, 2011

30 Years Later

Happy Anniversary, Leslie!  Who would have thought when we skipped out of the History Class movie showing of "Failsafe" that Tuesday Night on May 16th, 1977 and drove out to McClellan Reservoir, that we would be celebrating 30 years of marriage today?  I simply love you.  Your Blog post today was awesome and I couldn't be more proud!  It made me grin from ear to ear...and then cringe a bit on the inside as I realized that now all of your friends know that I actually had a yellow 1980 Pinto Station Wagon.  Funny isn't it, I'm not remotely embarrassed about any of the gooey things you said about our love for each other.  I couldn't have grown up any manlier than to love you with all my heart.  But knowing that I had a yellow 1980 Pinto Station 1980...well, suffice it to say, I'll be turning in my credentials to the Man Card Review Board this afternoon.  I was also notified this morning of a pending hearing with the Association for Good Taste in Automobiles, at which I'm certain I will be censured...for life.

Just in case anyone was wondering what your Burger King uniform looked like...


1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary! Hope you have a great day. The Nippers


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